Pvt. Erika Winters; WIP.

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Pvt. Erika Winters; WIP.

Postby Khorne » Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:31 am




Name: Erika Winters

Age: 22

Nationality: Texan [I hope someone gets the joke here.]

Occupation: 11B; 141st; US Army.

Relationship status: Single.

Mental status: Content; hidden resentment.


Height: 6'1

Weight: 169

Blood type: O-

Hair color: Sandy Blonde.

Eye color: Blue.

Scars: Numerous, leading down from the side of her neck, below her shirt collar.


An M4 with an EOTech sight and silencer.

Glock 17.

Two pounds of plastic explosives, with blasting caps/det-cord.

Two IFAKs, and a large medical bag stuffed with miscellaneous drugs.

A pair of NVG's.

A gasmask and filters.

A bayonet, along with a machete.

And apparently a fuck-ton of ammo.

Windows ten laptop, with alienware decals.

A Sako 85 hunting rifle with ten rounds of ammunition.

Several MRE's, and water bottles.

A heavy duty car battery.

A jerry can.


Assault rifles, civilian rifles, shotguns and hunting rifles; she's a decent shot with most long guns.

Explosives: She can handle most modern, or conventional types of explosive munitions.

Pistols, semi, automatic, or revolvers; she's rather handy with, but she isn't the best with them.

Computers/most modern technology: Sure, I can fix a PDA or laptop, or desktop! I'm not liable, though.

Mechanical/Mechanic work: She's handy with it, but she has quite a bit to learn. Throw her a problem, and it'll take her twice as long as anyone skilled in the art of fixing cars to do, and certain problems she might not be able to tackle at all.

Cooking/baking: 'Aside from the basic shit, I wonder if I can cut the cooking time in half by doubling the temperature it's meant to be cooked at...'

Melee weapons: Moderate; she isn't the strongest with blunt weapons, or axes due to a lingering pain in her left arm.

Drugs/Addiction: She handles rather poorly with this; struggling to even kick the most basic form of addiction; alcoholism.

Anger issues/sick sense of humor?: It's rather apparent that Erika has issues with her temper; which the group has by now, seen regularly. Or it's her own twisted sense of humor.

Key = Red = hated, Orange = disliked, Yellow = acquaintance, Green = Friend and Pink/Blue = Love/Close friend. Stella Winters: Nevada, Nevada... Be there, please be there, I know you went to some weird party in the desert, but please be there.

'Doc Krieger: She's an oddity; no matter how much care, or attention I give to her, she still treats me rather poorly. Maybe it's something I said? I don't know. I guess I'll just try harder, maybe I can see what she looks like if I try hard enough.

'Kreg': You're a sweetheart, I think she'll be happy with you... I just hope you ask the question soon so I can see her reaction.

'Mayu': I literally have no idea as to who you are, but you seem innocent enough.

'Capt. Nat': I can’t say that I know you anymore; I haven’t seen you enough to pass judgement, or even consider what we are anymore. I’d love to see you as a friend; someone that I can learn from, but I don’t know who you are. Something with you has changed, something that I don't want to grow. I just hope we can mend whatever void has come between us, seeing as you’re one of the very few people I still care about.

'Dot': I didn't know ye' very well, and I'm worried as to why you passed away so suddenly... I can't say I feel any real remorse though.

'Jay': You give me strange, almost mixed signals which makes it harder, and harder to deal with you. I don't doubt you mean the best where you can, but something about you is giving me the creeps yet again... Maybe it's due to me going sober and noticing the small things, but something about you screams malicious in a way. I just hope I'm wrong about you and we can continue our friendship.

'Ethan': You've gotten... Interesting to talk to. I'm worried that you're trying to get into my pants, but I have enough faith in you to hope that you're only wanting to be my friend, rather than someone trying to shove their dick into everything.

'Katia':I think you just need a hug... Maybe I should try that later.

'Kim': I do hope I've made the right choice by bringing you along; and begging Ethan for permission.

'The Male CEDA doctor': Too tired to care, but he seems honest, if not somewhat tired and beaten down. Poor guys been through hell.

'Chloe': If you get captured again; I'm going to be utterly livid. You're asking for it, just like you're asking for...

'Crazy Joe': You're back in black, and you seem as eager as ever to kill a sum bitch, which is good, maybe you'll prove useful.

'Hannah': I’m sorry that your lover passed away so suddenly; and I wish I could do more, but it doesn’t feel right approaching you anymore… Especially with Maggie hanging around you oh so much, and Chloe. It just doesn’t feel right being around either of them for extended periods of time. Regardless, maybe I can find something to help cheer you up, you’re too good of a woman to be depressed, or dependent on whatever drugs you were doing in the RV from what I was told.

'Mags': What the fuck is wrong with you? First you break my heart, and now you expect me to be your friend? Christ, I need to figure you out; you're fucking with me worse than my sister did. Then again, it wouldn't surprise me if you never loved me in the first place.


Marceline: Helllooo crazy nurse~! Damn it, she's gone.

'Fillerton': Fucking hell, I miss you.

'Parker': Comeback to me, please... Please, I need help.

'Backston': Either you've left us; or you perished in that city. I'm sorry to see you go, no matter the case.

Heide: He's gone! Thank the heavens!

'Silence': God damn it, someone just had to dress up like a bird and act autistic.
Last edited by Khorne on Wed Mar 29, 2017 5:01 am, edited 27 times in total.
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Re: Pvt. Erika Winters; WIP.

Postby Khorne » Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:37 am

Tell me if I missed anyone, I'll put in more work tomorrow.
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Re: Pvt. Erika Winters; WIP.

Postby Sillykilla » Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:56 pm

ya fuckin' home boi katia
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Re: Pvt. Erika Winters; WIP.

Postby DankestMeme » Mon Feb 13, 2017 2:51 pm

The Silence one has me rolling.
i eat ass
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Re: Pvt. Erika Winters; WIP.

Postby Druzhina » Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:16 pm

Better capitalize that 'B' on 11 Bravo.. Or I'll hurt you.
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Re: Pvt. Erika Winters; WIP.

Postby Khorne » Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:12 am

Updated some relations, fixed some shit, added some shit and a theme tune, hope Druzinha doesn't stab me in my kidneys again.
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Re: Pvt. Erika Winters; WIP.

Postby Khorne » Mon Feb 27, 2017 6:43 am

Updated relations (Mayu, Nat, Seraphwhateversunnyis, Hannah, and Heide.)

Updated inventory/scavenged materials.

Will be updating skills/stats tomorrow; along with further relation tweaks.

Will be adding an IC story spoiler tab.

Legion did 9/11.

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