Terrance Ruggles [WIP/First Pass]

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Terrance Ruggles [WIP/First Pass]

Postby Emptybag » Wed Feb 22, 2017 12:27 am

[The following is a series of handwritten entries in a bound journal, whose first few pages are littered with doodles of various skulls & fire & guitars, followed by fantasy creatures & knights in armor. Anything reasonable starts about 25 pages in.]

The cover is emblazoned with a very decorative, metal-style writing style of " Terry R."

So, uh, I guess this is where I start writing things. I'm not usually one to uhm.... do this sort of thing. But ever since Renee and I split, I figured that maybe I should....I dunno, write something of myself down or something?

So, uh....where to start... Hated school. I mean, I was okay at it...I went into masonry and stuff but I didn't really like it, and switched to automotive engineering for the remaining two years. Not really good at either of the things, but it got me through. Well, not so much the cars as it was Renee. She's younger, but damn she's the best thing that happened to me. We might have come out of Colorado but I was coming out of nowhere. I mean, my pop was just a small-time locksmith in the area, never really did anything aside from sit behind a counter or .... do whatever locksmiths do. I kinda bided my time at home by either working on the old pickup or idly picking locks, or trying to. I mean, I'm not the best, but I guess I was some cheap form of security tester, I got kinda good at it. At least the type of locks he was working with.

Most of my college years was salvaged by Renee. She pulled me through, joined in on board games with me and some other friends, shared music with me. Eh, I guess I'm getting ahead of myself. Maybe I should like... clip some pictures here of myself that I have on me.... eh....
So, there's me, Terry. In some paintball match from a couple years ago. And then in some artsy piece of shit photoshoot from high school. Always was a fan of that hair, though.
Uh, what else..... metalhead by trade. Maybe that's weird? I dunno. I rock out to stuff like Forests of Legend.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjHiE3WX8YU That's it for now I guess....got some basic stuff out of the way for if some investigator finds my bones in 10 years from being lost off the valley of the Rockies.


So.... I looked around enough and eventually found these two old guys....they're pretty good, I guess. I mean, I scared their hunt away from them, and that's why they came over to me. I know nothing about hunting, I didn't even know they were -- or that they were there. I was walking in a forest in the middle of nowhere and scared a deer. I guess it was a stroke of luck, no matter who they were. I told them what happened and they agreed to tote me along. It's better than being alone. Besides, maybe I can learn something from these 60-something year olds. They know their way around a rifle, that's for sure. Keep mentioning a war, too...so they probably know more than they let on. Whatever it is, they're good old friends. Got a cool dog too. I mean, dogs are the greatest...and at least I don't feel judged by one. Brett called him RD, short for Rubber Duck. I have no clue why that's his name, but so be it.
Image They gave me some photos from other hunts they managed to do in recent months. Seems like the whole.... walking dead thing didn't really hurt their sense of sarcasm, nor their hobby of collecting food. A pretty good hobby to have these days. First is Archie, second is Brett.
I mean, they set up a camp in the middle of nowhere next to a damn meat freezer they trucked out here. Have it running off a generator. I literally have no clue where we are and there isn't much dead around, so I guess the noise isn't an issue....and they keep the meat cold in there or something. I'm no hunter, I don't know how it works. But they offered to teach me so at the least I can pull my weight without feeling like I'm holding them back. They agreed to try to help me find Renee. Who knows if they really mean that or not, but I'm not about to abandon the only people I've seen. Grown to like them anyway.


So, we kept hiking and found this like... prop plane thing that goes on the water. Piss yellow with a green stripe down the middle horizontally. Amphibious aircraft, Archie says. He loves putting the damn headset on and acting like a fighter pilot. Brett says he never was one, they were on the ground; maybe he wanted to be. Then again, Brett has also said that for five years the only flavoring he could add to his water was gunpowder, so...don't know how much I can take him seriously. We're gonna search for fuel, though... there's gotta be a place nearby, within a few miles, if this thing is docked here in a random lake. So the plan is once we find the place, we'll fly it over there if there's water, then move it near the pump with a flatbed or something -- never thought that far. IF there isn't water, we just gotta find a way to bring it. Archie says these things have onboard radios, so I guess that's good. We can probably contact someone important... or a radio station or something.

I hope we get this plan in action soon because Archie's started to say he's so bored he might put some of RD's shit in a bag next to our pillow for a 'rude awakening.' I'd rather not wake up to that, so, uh.... yeah. Brett will come up with a witty comeback soon though, I'm sure.


"I'm gonna shove your head so far up your ass you'll see the twinkle of the stars in your eyes."


Well, the plane is fueled. I have no idea how long we'll have to fly it, but we're going to go around. I think Renee went South East, so I told them. I hope Archie actually knows what he's doing. The two geizers seem really pumped for this.

We've been looking for weeks, just happening to stumble upon airports and things, then hunting when we can. I have no clue how sustainable this is, but probably not at all. I've used my limited auto knowledge to maybe guess at some issues that might be wrong with the plan, we've heard some squeaking when we landed. The two took a look at it, and said it's fixed. Gonna put my faith in on this one, I guess.


Radio Contact!


Well....we're heading towards Clinchmore I guess. There was an Australians lady that answered the comms we put out a few days ago. We managed to finally find the scraps of something that will just barely get us there on fumes. They're thinking that this is gonna be a somewhat permanent visit, so they even loaded the back passenger seat with the food from a couple days worth of hunts. I hope they're right. At least it's a group of people...and they seem nice. Then again, I've never had a run-in with anyone but these two. It could go either way.....

We're about an hour away, and Archie's been talking with them. Seems like they're prepping for our landing. Archie told us in confidence that he probably can't land if it's actually in the mountains....great. Well, if I die, at least this was all here. Not much I can do now that we're miles above the ground.


[End of Journal so far]

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