Emma Harper (Or: What even is a Garry's Mod?)

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Emma Harper (Or: What even is a Garry's Mod?)

Postby Gaige » Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:00 am

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Character Song

Full Name: Emma Harper
"Is that a bite on your leg you're hiding from me, or are you just happy to see me? Seriously, you're freaking me out over here."

AKA: I don't have any cool codenames, dude.
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Status: Been better, pal. Haven't I seen this tree before? (Lost)
Alignment: Neutral Good/True Neutral
Morals: If people weren't shitheads, we'd only have the zombies to be afraid of, yeah? So I'm still trying to be a, what do you call it, upstanding citizen. Just with a lot more murder, but what can you do?
Group Affiliations: The Mules (Formerly)
Date of Birth: December 13th
Birthplace: Warrensburg, Illinois
Former Occupation(s): Pizza Hut Delivery Girl, College Student (Major: Library Sciences)

Personal Information:

Attitude: Cynical but good-hearted, knows it's stupid to help people now adays but can't help herself from getting into sticky situations for just that reason.
Likes: Rain, Reading Novels (old, new, doesn't matter), Not being afraid for her life. Big emphasis on that last one there.
Dislikes: Hot weather, Arrogant people, Being afraid for her life.
Fears: Being murdered in her sleep, being murdered while she's awake, being murdered. Losing her humanity.
Aspirations: Not be murdered.
Marital Status: Now's really not the time, eh?
Sexuality: Gay AF
Family: Gwendolyn Fosters (Mother - Deceased)
Gregor Harper (Father - Turned -> Deceased)


|Enamored|Basically Family|Good Friends|Liked|Neutral|Disliked|Hated|Deathwish|Dead/Gone|

What the fuck is a person?

Physical Information:
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Light Blue

Physical Strengths/Weaknesses:
+Quick on her feet
+Used to using her small size to slip out of people's grasps
+Great climber
-Weak brute strength
-Unable to carry moderate to heavy weighted object(s) for long periods of time

Mental Strengths/Weaknesses:
+Extremely perceptive with a sharp eye, harder to fool by lying
+High tolerance for bullshit (loses sanity slower than the average bear)
+Great at memorizing paths, routes, maps, etc.
-Light sleeper, more often than not failing to get the required hours due to stress
-Pessimistic - "Sure, I'll try to make life worth living, but when all I'm doing is running it's a moot point."
-Faint distrust of the military, due to father's timed served

Skills and Talents:
+Hardcore parkour
+Relatively charismatic
+Knowlege of basic fire arms
+Minimal training in hand to hand combat (after the outbreak), but can hold her own because of it.
+She can juggle! Cool!
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Re: Emma Harper (Or: What even is a Garry's Mod?)

Postby Knomad » Sat Mar 04, 2017 7:37 am

Add Backston the homeless man.

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