Locke pre military app

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Locke pre military app

Postby Macmillan » Wed Jul 12, 2017 7:19 am

Steam Name: Macmillan
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:31795044
Steam Profile Link: STEAM_0:0:31795044
Rp Experience: 4+ years
How did you stumble upon our server?: seeing various friends (Like Alex, Psi, and Cube) being on it

Character Name: Christopher Locke
Character Sex: Male
Character Age: 30
Occupation (Current or Before): Construction Worked (Currently) 0311 USMC Rifleman (before)
Character Equipment: Glock 17 handgun, two mags plus one in the gun.
Moral Alignment(See Chart below this post): Between Tempted and Chaotic Neutral.
Strengths: Pre military with a combat deployment, strong since he works as a construction worker.
Weaknesses: Tobacco addiction, non sympathetic to certain problems in the Civilian world.
Character Backstory a.ka. how or why are you here (One paragraph minimum, be creative! More backstory does not always mean a better app! Put thought into how they'll interact with others too!):

Locke was born on a muggy Texas day in the summer of 1987. His childhood was pretty normal. He grew up with his Mom, Dad, and sister in Dallas, Texas. When he was in highschool, one of the first days of his freshman year was like any other. Until someone on the intercom said "Students, there has been an attack on the Twin Towers and now the Pentagon. School is dismissed for the day. Locke rushed home and then saw his Mom crying, watching the news as the world trade center began to collapse. Like many other boys in the area, Locke felt a calling to serve his country to take revenge on the fucks who attacked his homeland.Locke ultimately decided to join the Marines since his dad was a Marine in vietnam, and his Grandfather was a Marine during the Pacific theatre in WW2. During high School Locke played sports to keep in shape so he could pass his physical tests the USMC would give him. He did Football in the Fall, and Track & Field in the spring. When given the 1.5 and 3 mile runs, along with the pullups test Locke had no problem completing them. He then shipped out to MEPS and then to MCRD Parris Island in 2005 .

Locke got through the 13 weeks of misery during boot camp. From stepping on the Yellow footprints to marching proudly on the Parade Deck, Locke always took pride that he wasn't choosing the comfortable route by going to college after school, instead giving up 4 years of his time to serve his country. After completing SOI (School Of Infantry) Locke shipped out to the fleet out of Camp Lejeune, and it was nothing like he imagined when the Senior marines proceeded to get haze the new coming Marines or "Boots". It mainly involved drinking, and gas mask PT, and being the one to always be cleaning during field day along with the other "boots". Then his platoon got the call to Deploy to Haditha, Iraq.

Deployment is what Locke imagined Marine Corps life to be like. Gritty, dangerous, and overall sucky. He was on post most of the time, and once in awhile the firebase his platoon was operating from would get potshots or take incoming mortar fire. During patrols they would often times try to connect with the Locals, even though Locke's platoon didn't know any arabic they would often times make the kids say dumb shit for candy like "I'm Rick James, bitch!" or "Fuck this country." A couple times during patrol, Locke's fireteam took fire and they fired back. Earning them all CAR's (Combat Action Ribbons). One time during patrol, they were rolling down the road in their humvee, Locke riding shotgun. Then suddenly BOOM! The humvee struck a buried IED and toppled it on it's side. Locke and the rest of his teammates climbed out of the humvee. Their gunner was nowhere to be found. Locke then stumbled upon the gunner, throwing up almost shortly after seeing his mangled corpse on the ground. One of the NCO's who hazed locke allot, Corporal Contreras said "Look buddy, it's not your fault. Shit happens in war." But Locke did not feel that way one bit. When his platoon came back to Camp Lejeune, Locke was suffering from losing his friend and began to drink allot. His drinking eventually landed him a few DUI's and got him booted from the Marine Corps under a dishonorable discharge in 2008.

Having no college degree, and being ex-military. Locke struggled for a few years to make up money, and lived with his parents for some time before he was able to land a construction job that paid considerably well. Locke then moved out a year later and was roommates with one of his friends who also got out, but was going to a junior college under the G.I bill. Then the Fort Hood shooting in 2009 happened. His roommate said "Dude, we should probably get handguns in case this shit happens here.". So they both then took a Concealed Weapons class and got handguns. His friend got a beretta M9 when Locke got a Glock 17 he still keeps to this very day. When his friend graduated college they still lived together, paying the rent 50/50. 8 years later they still live together In Dallas, continuing to help eachother pay the rent today.
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Re: Locke pre military app

Postby PsiKO911 » Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:02 am

Can confirm he is a levelheaded dude with good rp
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Re: Locke pre military app

Postby Alysian » Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:16 pm


He RP'd on a lot of servers and a few I staffed on, he's trustworthy and can handle this character. Good RPer too ^^
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Re: Locke pre military app

Postby Legion » Wed Jul 12, 2017 7:35 pm

This is a solid application, everything adds up and should be put on a pedestal for prior military apps. You have my full

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Re: Locke pre military app

Postby Crouching Spaghetti » Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:17 pm

I support it. This guy knows his shit.
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Re: Locke pre military app

Postby Emptybag » Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:56 pm

I don't claim to know everything military, but luckily I have a good IRL friend of mine that keeps me updated of many marine things so I'm able to suss most of this out. Between that and Legion giving the okay, as well as everyone else, I am comfortable in giving you the Big green Acceptance you seek.

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