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Teeky's Character Auth

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 12:10 pm
by Teeky
OOC Information

Steam Name: Teeky
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:44974001
Age: 20
Experience: 8+ years. D&D, Gmod, Forum, ARMA 3 realism servers. All that jazz.

How I found this server:
I found this server through a few friends, some of which are currently active. I was a little bit displeased the first time I popped around, which is why I haven't been on since, but they've convinced me to give it another shot and I fully intend to.

IC Information

Name: John Carter
Age: Middle-aged, forty give or take.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Description: Carter stood with a mesomorphic build, being nearly as fit as the day he left the service, save for the ways age had taken it's toll on him. He'd have short cropped brown hair, well-kempt and a visible 5 O'clock shadow that followed his jawline up into his sideburns. Gaunt eyes, sat just above a slightly crooked nose that resulted from prior injury. His facial features were well defined, and his skin was weathered... having an almost leather like appearance from all his time in the sun though he seemed free of any wounds or blemishes. He definitely looked around his forties, perhaps even older. He'd be clad in a tight black sweater which showed off his figure well, along with a pair of flexible trousers bearing the MARPAT camo. Unless he was indoors and resting, he'd have a small black Osprey backpack which carried his essentials and a holster that clung to his thigh. In it would be a sidearm (Whichever you proceed to give me, if accepted.) well maintained and ready to use. Should the man ever smile- or if the individual he was speaking to was vigilant, he'd have two chipped teeth, not too far apart from each-other, otherwise they were fairly white, with only the slightest tint of yellow.

Character Backstory: Carter grew up in the heart of Texas, to a somewhat stable and caring family... depending on your definition of caring. His mother was little miss Susie homemaker, whilst his father was a... well, he didn't speak of his father much besides saying he was a workaholic. Despite his fathers lack of a presence, to Carter, it gave the man more character and didn't equate to some sob story. Carter had always had an interesting outlook on problems and issues... he didn't see them as bad luck or a shitty hand, but instead the hand /he/ was dealt. And therefore... to him, that meant a challenge. He tackled these things in such a way that he didn't dare think of how much others had or didn't have, they were just obstacles. Maybe it was the competitive drive his father's hardened exterior gave him... or perhaps he was lucky and it came natural, however, it wasn't all so good. The very blessing he had gave him an issue when it came to sympathizing with others (or at least in his ability to offer emotional support until the age of 16), and when he was young and arrogant, he saw the individuals who couldn't cut it as weak, and this mindset was certainly influenced by the crowd he hung around. A group of neighborhood boys that Carter grew up around, and while they were not very bright... the boys soon became a inseparable loyal group. People came to him with their problems, and at first, Carter resented it- hated it, albeit he didn't show this. However, as time passed he began to embrace this... and accepted it as solving more problems in his own way.

Around the time of high school, Carter began to form more of a bond with his neighborhood friends, and even when the community had thought they were trouble when they were younger... boy were they a handful in their teenage years. Parties, brawls, parading around the streets naked due to LSD induced psychosis, you name it, and they had done it. However, life began to catch up with Carter. Maturity began to set it, or rather- take over as it was already there. He began to doubt the group mindset he had- and quickly evaluated his own situation and what it mean't to him, and as senior year in school neared, the boys faced a growing uncertainty. What were their accomplishments- and not fun memories of slacking off and trying to pick up the attention of women... but life accomplishments. Jobs and families, responsibilities. Carter wasn't an idiot, he wasn't book smart- but rather wise in his teen years. Aware. He saw these problems, and was usually the more responsible one in the group, but he felt the need to achieve. To be better. He began to have his own voice... become a separate entity whilst still being a part of the group, something he'd struggled with. He brought up the idea of enlisting in the Army to his friends, and being the rowdy bunch they were... they didn't hesitate to say yes. They all enlisted in 1999, airborne.

Once they had graduated it wasn't long before they had shipped off. Carter was lucky enough to have one of his friends accompany him through basic, and due to his ability to handle issues and direct/guide others, it wasn't long before he caught the attention of his Drill Sergeant. He was the first of his group to receive a promotion, effectively making his mark as a leader and, he soon had men of his own, a lifestyle he thoroughly enjoyed. He was deployed when the war broke out, though he doesn't go into details. Knowing him, it's likely his humble side coming out and perhaps his pride- considering the outcome of said wars. He served for fifteen years, from the day he enlisted- through Afghanistan and Iraq. Carter felt was born for the military, excelling at the lifestyle of control and order, up until an injury that more or less forced him to quit entirely in his mind. He took this internally as a failure, even though he knew it wasn't really his fault, but was in a way. He had never prepared for the civilian life really, despite having an abundance of money saved up- well, whatever he didn't spend on booze and other stupid shit. The lack of order, comrades- people who depended on him took it's toll. It was hard to adjust, but he eventually found his previous mindset of seeing the issues presented to him as a challenge. When he finally stopped being clueless, he took up work as a mechanic under one of his old friend's sister's business where he worked for a number of years until the outbreak that was to surprise the nation.

This is where his story on the server begins.

(Sorry it was so short and took me so long. Had to do some IRL things, and wanted to make sure I could still dedicate my time to the server. If you need more detail, I can PM you the complete version.)

------Requested equipment and knowledge-------

- A simple sidearm with two magazines, I do not expect a server that I've had little presence on to grant me anything more, but if you're feeling generous, a basic AR-15. I go in depth on how I'd use a weapon in the 'Side notes' section.

-Glock 17 preferably if it's a sidearm, I'm completely fine with RP'ing it if you do not have the appropriate script. Back up choices are below if I need a fallback.
P229 if the Glock isn't available.
HK USP if the Glock isn't available.

-If I was lucky, and you agreed to lend my character a rifle, it'd be a bare-bones AR-15 semi-auto civilian build. I'd be 100% fine if I didn't receive ammunition for this item. No shotguns, as my character has no affection for such a disgusting item, therefore he'd not own one before the outbreak. This would also not be the rifle or gear he had in the military, because... you don't take that shit home.

- General military knowledge. He served for fifteen years, and although he was out for three- a lifetime of training ALL doesn't dwindle away. (Weapon maintenance, discipline, terminology.) I understand this does not give me a reason to power-game. I am more so using this for backstory, and the ability to enhance my RP. I will not do a triple somersault off a building and crack someones neck with my left pinky-toe via S.A.S. training. I'm only asking for basic infantry stuff. Nothing special.

Side notes : I understand the fact that you can't really have people running around with weapons holding people up and causing issues. I'm more so creating this character to further RP and provide a fun experience for all involved. The weapon is mostly for backstory, and due to the characters uptight personality. I could easily say "Well he lost his gun" but I've done that for so many others, and I feel that Carter would be the one person who resents losing such an important object to him. Protection. Self defense is all I would use this for, and I probably won't even use it against infected because the noise in not very practical, and ammunition is likely to be scarce soon.. If someone threatens his life, they're fair game. And this does not mean I'll find a new player, stick my gun in their face and act all hoity-toighty. He is a very reserved man, and puts others before himself. I do not like OOC'ly killing other peoples characters, whether it be PK or NLR, and usually find ways to avoid it, even if my own life is at risk. I've even been known to break character to avoid a fight (Unless it's a generic bandit), which I sometimes regret, but the population of the server comes first in my eyes.

I've a character that has started bare-bones, and if allowing another weapon on the server is an issue, simply inform me and I suppose I'll brainstorm another character. This is the first application I've made where a character (that I haven't transffered) starts with an item or two, so be merciful.

Re: Teeky's Character Auth

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:03 pm
by HereticsEnd
Please refer to Rule 5 of the Application Criteria that's stickied on the apps section. Hidden backstories are no longer being accepted. Either you put it down or don't have the application at all.

Re: Teeky's Character Auth

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 3:54 am
by Teeky
Alright, I'll put a general feel for his backstory. Give me a bit.

Re: Teeky's Character Auth

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 5:17 pm
by ZergHunter
And due note, this doesn't have to reveal everything, or even anything significant about your character. It's more so to show you know what you're doing, and the character isn't some crazy over the top anime thing. That's about it. You can keep most of it hidden without any issues from us!

Re: Teeky's Character Auth

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:06 pm
by Teeky
There you go fam.

Re: Teeky's Character Auth

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:28 pm
by Nyanch

Teeky has been roleplaying for quite a long time now, and is one of the best I've seen out there with his roleplay. I've known him for a long time now, and so has Squeje, and we could assure you, holy fuck does he deliver some damn good roleplay. My best moments in my character's development were along with him, as well as some others but he really shines the most. So much so, that Sillykilla has one of his characters listed under the 'Relationships' despite him not even playing on the server, and I do as well, because he really impacts story and roleplay.

Re: Teeky's Character Auth

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:27 pm
by ZergHunter
I'll gladly give this a +Support

Re: Teeky's Character Auth

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:35 pm
by Emptybag

Re: Teeky's Character Auth

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:19 pm
by SquejeMofo

Re: Teeky's Character Auth

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:40 am
by Patient Zero