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Postby Emptybag » Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:22 am

[The following note is written on composition notebook paper in orange pen, and has been torn from it's home to be pinned on the board.]

Backston and I took it upon ourselves to hit up some places at the base of the mountain. It went way better than expected gain-wise, but we did run into some trouble with a smoker and one of those things that uh, is small and laughs like crazy and jumps on your back.

The military truck is holding enough fuel in the back for a good drive and a half, based on how much we've used between each stop. We have a sustainable amount of food now -- nothing spectacular, but drugstop stuff that was left, lots of ramen and macaroni. And a few odds and ends that we had room to snag.

As far as I know, we're able to move out when everyone else is comfortable and ready.

-- Hannah.

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