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  1. Skipp

    Luther Haldar

    Alright, I'll edit it to what weapon I can work with.
  2. Skipp

    Luther Haldar

    Steam Name: Blight Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48836584 Steam Profile Link: Rp Experience: A l o t How did you stumble upon our server?: I had an application on it last time. Character Name: Luther Haldar Character Sex: Male Character Age: ~63 Occupation (Current or Before): Ex-Police, Community Service Volunteer, Butcher, Military Enlistee Character Equipment: Civilian Clothing W/ a "Battle Belt" (Holster, Flashlight, Pistol Mag Holders, L4D-esque stuff) A Remington 870 "Police Model" (Shortened Barrel, Shell Catching Attachment, Wood Finish, etc.) A few Crumpled boxes of shotgun shells An old police baton / Tonfa Moral Alignment: Tempered/Lawful Neutral Strengths: Experience with Infected Experience with Weaponry Experience with the Police Force Survival Experience Able to reload ammunition with the correct tools (Specifically Shotgun Shells.) Slightly Fit Weaknesses: Hearing Loss Slow Movement Weakened Metabolism Weakened Body (Old Age) Horrible Conversationalist Isolationist Morally Crooked Character Backstory AKA how or why are you here: (I haven't checked the lore, so this may be a little off.) The story of Luthar Haldar begins roughly sixty years before the infection, the rumored time his parents met. One of his parents, Jacob Haldar, was from New Delhi, the heart of India. "Your mother was from a peculiar place." His father would remind him at a very young age. Elijah Thomas was from the heart of Des Moines, Iowa, in the United States. She claims time to time that she was "Just travelling," to India. But if you were to delve, or ask interrogatively, about the two’s sudden relationship, her actual reason of going to India was quite clear. She was from a time, afterwards the couple knew well into their graves, called Jim Crow (I'm sure you know.) And she left the US in, desperation if it's the correct word, to rid herself of the horrid segregation she endured. "It was like being a caged animal, and that boat to India just. Sat me free." How she met Haldar is a big mystery to some, they both say they met at a local eatery, they change it most of the time to "Right off the boat," or "That one clothes store.." The setting didn't matter for them, they loved each-other the moment they connected eyesight. It started with a conversation, ended with a wave goodbye, and a night of meditating on that encounter. Soon enough they met at frequent times, had a few dates. And, after roughly a year, they were close lovers. She was twenty-five, and for he was twenty-six, but age did not matter to either of them. For they felt like a young couple once again, even though they were relatively young, it sprang new feelings and thoughts into their heads. Two years passed, and they finally engaged, her name was fully changed to Elijah Haldar, and his simply stayed the same. The thought of kids wasn't in their hands, but being madly obsessed with romancing each-other was. (I'm not turning this into a novel, don't worry.) As the months pass into their lives, as seconds, as minutes, as hours, as days, as weeks, as months, as years. Five. Five whole years. Elijah has meditated on the thought of a child, so has Haldar. They decide, against their best hopes, to move to the US. "It's for the child." Haldar argues. "I left there to find a better life!" "It has to have changed by now." Eventually, both came with a compromise. "If our child doesn't have a good life by the time he's ten, we'll leave for good." And so, she became pregnant after a chosen night of... Merriment, and Luther came into existence. Luther Haldar, an american name like Elijah's grandfather, and Haldar's last name, for the heritage. Making sure the child made it, they left for the Americas on a boat, brimming with immigrants oddly enough. Things slowly faded in and out of importance for the three. The father got a job in the north for a factory, getting an apartment with the little converted currency he has for the small family. Elijah got well used to the northern environment, being raised and living there. Haldar had little problems with racism. If glanced at, he was simply colored. He didn't mind it that much, but it would dig a heel into his mind every now and then. For elijah, it stressed her lightly for her infant baby boy day and night. Five years pass by fast, Luther is already walking and talking fine, mispronouncing and confusing words, but fine for a child. One year passes, and when he's barely six the famous Martin Luther King Jr. gives the speech that shook the foundation of Jim Crow. Four years pass this time, and nothing significant happens to him, but to his family? They're glad he's in schools and diners and gas stations and... Other things, without "COLORED" and "WHITE" signs. Twenty solid years, and he's 30, has a solid job as a local butcher. Father finds it fine, setting his religious belief aside. And his mother takes it to an advantage, cooing a free slab or piece of meat from him "Because you're my big, strong son, ain'tcha?" He caves in, of course, every time. Ten years pass, his father is quite ill this year. His mother is doing fine though. It's 1997 now, The 90's were a thing to behold, but for him and his mother? It's a sad year to witness. At roughly five AM, his father passes away in his sleep. Ten years pass, and in his fourties he enlists for the army, but to fail. He applies for the local police, and is accepted. Another five years pass for him, and in his fifties he begins to show his age heavily. He falls behind newer (And younger) recruits, but his dedication and experience overshines his physique, good as it is for someone of his age. Five more years pass, he witnesses september 11, 2011. It shakes the US. He quit the police force long before that happened. He can never explain, he just did. The last five years of everything being normal, crashes violently. Luther is doing what he does almost every day now, sitting in a chair with a bottle of scotch, or whisky, and meditating about his life choices, or just thoughts, or watching TV. When his normal show flickers over to a broadcast of "A rumor of an infection being spread by a small chain of drugs." He didn't mind much, he lived in a small house in the countryside, and his deli was long long bought out by a construction company, pocketing the large offered money for himself. He did as the government ordered him when he got to the second broadcast. "The infected are now beginning to walk, and are extremely hostile towards anyone non-infected." Or something like that. He boards up windows, locks his doors, already had a weeks worth of provisions, and his upstairs bedroom had a twelve-guage shotgun, specifically a remington 870 with a shortened barrel length. He hovered in his house for roughly three months, before a knock was on his door. Peering through a crack in the boards, and through a peephole on his door, it was nothing more than a group of survivors, three specifically, looking over their shoulders and repeating a basic plea for help. "There's infected! Let us in!" "Hello?" "Anyone there!?" "Please, let us in!" Disengaging two locks, leaving two chain-locks to hold the door to the frame every so loosely, he peers his head through the door frame, holding the Remington like a staff. His shaven head, contrasting to his roughly-trimmed grey beard against his indian-american skin (For this case, brown,) gives the look of a hermit that absorbed the darkness in his favor. "What do you want." He says with an ignorant tone, flicking his eyes- And his shotgun, at all three of the individuals. They back off lightly, but they were definitely keen on getting in. "We just need shelter for a night, so this horde can pass us." "Horde?" Replies Luther. The survivors all look at Luther with light confusion. "You've never seen a horde? It's a bunch of infected that wander in a large group, it's dangerous." Luther scratches his beard, nodding lightly. "Fine, I'll let ya'll three in." And with that, he closes the door for a minute, pulls the two chain locks loose, and opens it wide, letting the three in. He closes it and locks it fully afterwards. "I trust all three of you just for this night, but if you expect to stay for the next week, I'm kickin ye'out." They'd all nod collectively, and choose individual times to stay up and be lookout, where to sleep, where to barricade if needed.. Luther was impressed, he knew what a horde was, how dangerous they could be, and how they act, he dealt with them every other week. This group knew what they were doing. He awoke the next morning to a knock at his bedroom door. He of course was shellshocked that it was a knock, and not a banging of a zombie that could tell there was meat in there. He walked to the door, surprised to see the three already wide awake and prepared to go out. He let them out with a brief goodbye, some thanks from them, and a shutting of the door, locking it tight. Really, he was saddened a group like that wouldn't stay another night, oddly enough. He hated the idea of more mouths to feed, but the idea of spewing stories to someone was appetizing to him. He propped the Remington that was his crutch and his life-saver, against his sofa, and shoveled an old movie into a DVD player. It was WALL-E, funny enough to him, he leaned back and propped his neck into a comfortable position to daze off to. He'd begin to have an existential crisis, getting up from the chair where his Remington lay propped against, grabbing it, walking up the creaking, old stairs of his house, and into his bedroom, in where he'd place the shotgun into its cage, lock the cage, and then close his door, where he'd lock it aswell. He undresses early, not hearing anything banging against his front door, wearing nothing but boxers and a T-Shirt for his night gown. He shuts off the barely-working lights in his room, turns on a small chargeable radio as something to lull him to sleep with, and eventually falls to a deep sleep, staring at the ceiling.