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Jack Becker

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Basic Information:

Name: Jack Edward Becker

Alias/Nickname: "JB"

Age: 31

Height: 5'10

Weight: 164 lbs

Eye-Color: Blueish Green

Hair Color: Brown

Nationality: American

Place of Birth: Fort Worth, Texas

Job: Writer, Editor

Current Status: Resting on the Oklahoma/Arkansas border.

Personality: Cautious and guarded at first sight, Jack tends to wait a while before opening up to people proper. He is a determined, hopeful individual, if only for his writing career to continue at some point.

Likes: Reading, writing, peer-reviewing, jogging, sight-seeing, hiking.

Dislikes: Mud, the Dead.

Hopes: To one day write an eye-witness account of the infection, and to become a widely known author.

Family: Status unknown.


  • Cautious

    Occasionally Imperceptive


    Somewhat Anti-Social


    Poetic at times


  • Expert Writer - Before the infection hit Texas, Becker was an aspiring freelance author and editor for the Dallas Sun.

    Basic Proficiency in Firearms - Never one for violence in his past life, Jack has had ten months to turn that proclivity around. He considers himself a more than passing shot, although repairing firearms is still a skill that eludes him.

    Proficient Runner/Jogger - Months of running from hordes of the Dead have molded Jack into an efficient runner; at least, that's what he thinks. He certainly won't be winning any triathlons when this is all over, though.

    Cognition - An especially intelligent individual, Becker's found that he's able to memorize patterns, sequences, whole passages of text and instructions fairly well, perhaps more than most.

    Survival Skills - Occasionally one to go out hiking into the Texan wilderness before all hell broke loose, Becker possesses all the skills one would attribute to a hiker/camper.

    Enhanced Fight or Flight Instinct - While all of the above mentioned skills have certainly contributed to Jack's continued longevity, he's developed an uncanny knack to know when it's time to split town. The main reason for the aspiring writer's apparent lack of distance covered in a ten month span is due to knowing when to settle down. Jack has spent periods of time spanning up to three months in the same location, but never permanently. He's convinced himself that if he never settles down for too long, he's much more likely to stay ahead of the Dead.



Originally hailing from Fort Worth, Jack Edward Becker is determined to let nothing stop him from fulfilling his dreams of one day becoming a fully fledged author, be his problems a swarm of head-shaking publishers or the undead. Before the infection wiped out nearly all of Texas he found himself working as a freelance writer based out of Dallas, eventually taking a job as the chief editor of the Dallas Sun Times. Most days Becker found himself simply fending off swarms of reporters and journalists all fighting for a spot on the front page; he tended to view it more as a stepping stone than a roadblock to his dream job, though, so Jack rolled with the stresses of the position. 'Rolling with it' was a tactic that Jack found useful one May evening, as a mass of wounded refugees mixed in with infected stormed into the Dallas Sun's central office. In order to avoid the incoming wave of death rolling into his building, Jack threw himself out of his office into a dumpster in the street below. Outside he found buildings burning down, roads packed with cars and corpses, and people clawing each other's eyes out. Escaping from Dallas at the height of the infection wasn't going to be easy at all; instead of simply finding an escape route from the city right away, Becker gathered what supplies he could, and climbed up to a nearby roof. Waiting several days for the chaos to die down a bit was difficult; food and supplies would run low occasionally, prompting the writer to cautiously sneak some from inside the building or the surrounding streets. While eventually picked up by an army chopper sweeping the area, Jack was far from out of the woods just yet. Over the next few months he would go from camp to camp after the collapse of the local military. After three months of living in a survivor's commune located in north Texas, and that commune's sudden implosion due to infected managing to breach the perimeter, Becker was completely alone against the horde. Opting to stay along more remote paths and locations, he found he could live longer if he minimized contact with humans and the infected. Regardless, crossing into Oklahoma had cost him much if not all of his supplies, forcing the aspiring writer to once again rely on others for support. After coming across the current survivor's group, and subsequently being allowed in, Jack's taken it upon himself to commit to it in earnest, not wanting to have a community collapse again without sufficient assistance.




  • Backston Dewar - You helped me get settled down in camp after just meeting me, plus I've seen you take about six heads off with that hand of yours. I'll fight by your side any day of the week.

    Renee Ford - Thanks for letting me stay in your home and get set up around here, ma'am. Plus, the bear jerky was delicious. If you ever need a favor of me, don't be shy to ask away.

    Natasha Kusanagi - We've only just met formally, but I've already got a good feeling about you. You seem friendly enough, and you look like somebody I'd like to have at my back in a pinch.

    Ethan Fogg - You were generous enough to sit me down at camp, and eventually let me stay. I have no qualms following you for letting me stay with your group, sir.

    Carson McCoy - Hell, you reminded me I had a novel to write when this was all over. Those stories about you are certainly deservin' of their own chapter. Nice enough guy, overall.

    Brandon Adelstein - We haven't really spoken much since you pointed me towards Ethan, so I haven't had the chance to form any strong opinions about you.

    Kreg Luther - I can hold no ill feelings towards a man who gives me a glock. Looks like you've got your head screwed on straight, plus I wouldn't mind that MP5 of yours backing us up in a fight.


((More to come))

Edited by Guest

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