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[RIP] Martin Colt Park

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Martin Colt Park


"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have gone out there...Ill be with you soon Maria"

Relations: he had a wife named Maria and two children

Description: Buff/Korean/6'7

Likes: Ethan/Hannah/Michael/Wes

Dislikes: Simon/Midori/Hunters

Additional Information:

He was at first just some EX-Navy officer who was trying t get back home to his kids until he was hit by a truck and went into a coma. He awoke later on and found Ethans group.

He was armed and soon became friends with them, staying usually at the outskirts, keeping himself ready. He didn't socialize much, but he would always count on Wes. When he was killed, he knew something wasn't up and found a hatred for Midori.. Even though she brung him into the group. He went on and lived alone, stopping by ethans group to make sure they are okay. When people would leave, he would hold back...Wanting to kill all of the zombies or die trying..

It became too much of a habit and faced off 3 hunters, being extremely injured in the end and then bitten by a zombie.. He used his strength to kill all of them with his bare hands and made it back to Heides camp.. He wanted to say some last things and did, but hen the time came for him to die.. He asked for a moment of privacy. He took out a picture of his wife and smiled, before deciding to drink and eat pills an bleach until he died. Ethan found him later as a awakened zombie and put him out before he could do anything.

Rest in piece Martin...

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