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Pvt. Adrian Parker {WIP}

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Name: Adrian Parker

Rank: Private

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Affiliation: United States Army, 36th Infantry Division, 3rd Battalion, 144th Infantry. 11B Automatic Rifleman.


Date of Birth: January 1, 1991

City/Country: San Antonio, Texas, United States

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 210 lbs.

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Build: Brawny

[glow=red]Character Sheet[/glow]


Brash; extenuating circumstances have left Parker without a filter. More often than not he's rude and opinionated.

Sarcastic; when the situation calls for a serious demeanor, he'll find a way to make a joke out of it at someone's expense.

Impulsive; if things get hectic, he'll do the first thing that comes to mind, whether it's a viable solution or not.

Vulgar; when he gets riled up, there's no shortage of horrible insults he's willing to say.

Loyal; get the back of the person who has yours. Goes hand in hand with military service, and has carried over despite his being left behind.

Dependable; if he says it'll get done, it'll get done. Hell or high water.

Discreet; your business is your business. If you don't want it being talked about, Parker's not saying a thing.

Persistent; if at first you don't succeed, try and try again. He doesn't quit.

Conscientious; we're going to do right in a world gone wrong. Morals are still important to him and he won't bend on the matter.

Relations: Admired/Loved|Friends|Neutral or Mixed|Dislikes|Hates[/align]


Erika Winters We ain't known each other long, but our heads are in the same place. Glad to have you around, especially now that we're dealing with more problems than just the infected running around. I've got your six, no doubt about that.

Fillerton Back in my old life, wasn't ever fond of the police. Guess you can't get in trouble for drinking and driving after all this happened, huh? Glad I met you, anyway. You're another level head in a sea of dumb asses.

Cpl. Marceline Valentine Guess we're starting from scratch. It's been months since we've seen each other, but we were still buddies way back when. Standing guard with you on that bridge is a highlight of this bullshit time we're living in, talking about who we wanted to screw and what we were gonna' do when the doc made this shit better. Guess we can have those conversations again.

Captain Derek Lovell Man, we really didn't know what the fuck we were doing on that river. You held us all together for a long time, sir. It was an honor to serve with you.

Hannah Farr Dunno about you anymore. Something's off. You're standing in the way of getting rid of the violent douche bag from what everyone's telling me. That ain't kosher, not by a long shot.

Jayesh Sanghrajka Don't know you very well, but you've always kept your cool around me. I owe you for trying to pull me out of that sewer the other day; found my way out myself, but you were hauling ass to get to me. I respect you for looking out for me, but there's a lot that needs doing that you're twiddling your thumbs about.

Ethan Fogg You and me don't see eye to eye, but I'm not about to hate you for it. I ain't one of your friends, but I ain't your enemy.

Dr. Seraphina Krieger You were supposed to make this shit better. The fuck happened?

Specialist Norman Caldwell You were a real cocksucker. I ain't exactly happy you got piled on, but I ain't gonna' cry for you either. See you when this is over. We can finish our fight then.

Sergeant Dane Valek You were a damn fine NCO, Sarge. You were a hard ass, but I respected you because you knew what the hell you were doing. Rest easy.

Dr. Cincinnatus Kelly Couldn't save you when they swarmed the Humvee. I tried. If I'd shot at all of them, we'd both be dead.

Heide Give me a reason, mother fucker. I'll fill you full of holes the next time you lay a hand on someone.

Edited by Guest

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Just a little bit of an FYI so your char sheet is more accurate..

As your character is in the United States Army his MOS wouldn't be 0311. 0311 is the United States Marine Corps MOS for Rifleman. Perhaps your character was a machine gunner in the Marine Corps as my character portrays; your character's MOS would b e 0331 instead. If your character was a machine gunner in the Army he would have to be 11B (called Eleven Bravo) which is the U.S. Army MOS for rifleman; to become a machine gunner you'd have to go through a selection process. One of the requirements is that you're at least a Private First Class who has held the 11B MOS for four months, give or take. Also, the 36th Infantry Division, 3rd Battalion, 144th Infantry, is apart of the United States National Guard (Texas based). If you're trying to portray a soldier in the National Guard based out of Texas that would be accurate although ending up in the State that we're in.. Not so much. But if instead you meant to portray an Infantry division in the U.S. Army you could always change the 144th to the 143rd Infantry Regiment, although keep in mind you may need to keep it in the back of your mind your character would have to have Airborne training as the 143rd Infantry Regiment is indeed an Airborne Infantry regiment.

Anyways, if you have any questions about any branch of the military or if you have any inquiries about another country's military feel free to send me a PM!

- Druz

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While I know Parker's history isn't up there quite yet, he belongs to that specific unit for a reason. It's long since been decimated as far as anyone's concerned in the lore, but suffice to say that he was folded into the National Guard unit on the Mississippi when the CEDA doctors joined them. The issue of his rank and MOS specialty tie deeply into his personality traits, Parker was initially an E3, but that changed back during the RP when the whole NG unit was still together due to an incident between him and whoever had the Specialist character.

Went ahead and changed the MOS itself, thanks for that. I'll get the history up to prevent any further confusion/corrections.

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