
Weapon/Addon Suggestions to the Team?

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Hey boys and girls, it's your boy Doom Slayer here. I play as Felix Carter and I more or less am here to just try and give more ideas to the team so they could probably add it to the content pack or say no and give reason why. Then again I do suppose we got a bit of a pack, but there's never no such thing as too many weapons to defend ourselves against the dead and/or bandito assholes who stole my tortillas. Trying to make this Topic be the place to speak of more or less additions or subtraction of the content, y'know?

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While nobody on the team has an issue with a cool axe and good melee weapons (because god are those hard to find), the issue is nowadays TFA does singles.
Our addons list is huge and while we make active attempts to cull it all the time, newcomers always say we have too much despite us not really having a ton at all...we just like scenery.

Then there's also the problem of possibly conflicting weapon bases.  We have TFA legacy stuff because when he started releasing new packs they were all pretty Sci-Fi.  Not saying there's def gonna be errors but it may happen down the road.

idk, i always am on the prowl for sum gud weapons but I'd prefer a pack over singles.  That being said this axe is nifty and I do like it.

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