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A silent departure

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Heide. Being healed, though dodged everyone, and stayed out of the way. Got up, and left one morning. Thought of his sister haunting him. IT was not even the crack of dawn. Packing his kit, he set out. But not before leaving notes for everyone.

When someone finally finds this small stack of paper it read:

To everyone. I am sorry. This is selfish of me, but I must do it. Maybe you can find me in Texas, maybe i'll be dead. I don't know.

To little dot, and hannah. I loved you both as siblings. I wouldn't blame you if you were angry at me. Keep each other safe.

Backston. Never change

Natasha don't stop being a bitch.

Anne. I'm so sorry, little anne. I hope you can forgive me, keep boris safe. (This note was attatched to a trench coat, ushanka wearing teddy bear.)

Erika. I know we butt heads. but I still liked you.

Everyone else, stay safe.

-Your favourite Giant man. Heide.

Edited by Guest

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  Knomad said:
Can I have your stuff?


Heide took most his stuff with him.

Though there's the things he leaves behind.

-4 car batteries


-lead pipes

-a pile of various cloth

-15 rabbit furs

-a wooden body of a hunting rifle.

-an empty baretta

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