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Patient Zero

Nate Polreich

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[align=center]Nate Polreich


(Pretty much this but with glasses :D)

" The ones who turned, were no longer the common enemy...were they? "

Theme Song


Name: Nate Riley Polreich

- Race -


- Age -


- Sex -


- Nationality -


- Birthday -

December 4th, 2001.

- Height -

172cm (5'7)

My Journal/My Studies


-Entry 1-

I have heard people refer to this type of infected as many things

Zeke's, Zeds, Infected, Shambles, The Dead, whatever you call it

I have called this the Common Infected as this is the most common

result of being turned into one of these "Infected"

-Entry 2-

What interest's me most about this type of infected

is mob mentality, I have seen things while looting, how

infected seem to group up as if it is habit

or is some outer force telling them to do so?

- Entry 3 -

Today I saw something gruesome, but, odd and strange.

A person got separated by his group in the city,

I did try to help, but I'm not writing this to play hero.

The infected rather went after this one easy meal instead of the group

this one person had split off from, as strange as this is.

It shows a more survival instinct

- Entry 4 -

I am starting to come to conclusion, I ran into one this morning, face to face.

I got it off me no worries but I did notice something, it's milky white

eyes, could it be blind? Could they have a entirely sound based echo location

like system? Is this why they groan and moan for no reason?

-Entry 5 -

This is my last Entry on the common infected as I see no more reasons

to peruse a study into it, or....observation, but I have found something rather

Amazing that baffles me, not only will this help me but it will also

render me more caution, and also, this will lean right into my next chapter


- Entry 1 -

I have been excited to start this entry, one thing that I

have found out about the running infected is when they full on attack

they seem to stick behind, instead of running ahead, as if they know.

that the slow one's could soften the others up, it's crazy. It would be

Amazing if they weren't trying to eat me

- Entry 2 -

I'm trying to find out as why these ones run, and as to why

the Common infected, as seen on the previous page

would resort to walking, my only suggestion is some

sort of adrenaline boost, but then they would be vomiting *A drawing of a scared stick figure is seen*

Yeesh, that would be bad, maybe this is best left


- Entry 3 -

They like to trick you, clever.

I saw a infected shamble in the street today, it walked into

the road and even walked towards noises, but I ran across

the road and it made a full sprint at me, odd, maybe

they use up energy and are saving it up, for when something

"Yummy" comes into the picture.

- Entry 4 -

I can't seem to find anything else about the running infected, besides their ability to climb

And I mean climbable stuff, like a fence, or so forth,

It's odd as to how they seem to be smarter then the other infected

A mutation perhaps?....

(^ Perhaps?...what am I 60?! ^)


- Entry 1 -

This one I would rather not talk about

But I must, the Child Infected, it's very unique it's

behavior, I don't understand why they run and the

others walk, it baffles me sometimes, but

it could boil down to mutation

- Entry 2 -

I found something strange, I never find children alone

they seem to know that they need to have guardian

Some sort of watcher, they stick around larger infected then them

(Much like the little sister from Bio shock, stupid comparison,

I bet who ever is reading this wont even get it)

- Entry 3 -

Like the adult infected they

display the same milky white eyes,

as if they are blind and use sounds to move around them

the sounds they make too are just awful, all of them

as if their throats can't take it any more, yuck.

- Entry 4 -

I don't want to look into this subject any more

No end result, I just can't It pains me to see them like this

Fucking hell, I hate this.[/spoil]


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