
Mayu Farr.

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Mayu Marceline Reid Farr 


[Artist's interpretation]

Character Origin - Generation #1: Post-Macho

Current State:


Recent modifiers: Happy. Contented.


Keen: Growing up, Mayu has gotten much more attentive to her surroundings, namely from listening for visitors during her recovery but also from occasionally sitting with those stuck with guard duty.

Gun Safety/Maintainance [Natasha]: Taught by Natasha, Mayu knows a decent amount about not only gun safety but Maintenance.

Computer Knowledge [Ethan/Hannah]: Taught in pieces by both Hannah and Ethan, Mayu knows a decent about computers and games, the latter namely being from Hannah and Mayu's extended time in recovery post-operation.



Idolized - Close friend - Liked - Neutral - Disliked - Hated - Feared - Gone

Spoilers are older entries.


The Colony - It's an okay place, i still don't really see what it's got that we didn't have back then.. It DOES have the bunker though, so i guess it's not all bad. It's so cold here the walkers get frozen and aren't really a threat most of the time- but i don't like not being sure about it.. I'll take a walking one over a freshly thawed one popping out of the snow anytime.


Server start:
It's okay.. i don't know why we came so far for it though. It looks like alot of the other places.. and I liked some of the other places more.

Motel - It's.. okay. It's nice to just watch the trees and snow every now and then, i wish more people visited though.


Doesn't feel too safe anymore, i get nervous every time someone walks past or opens that door to the cafe now. Apparently there's been a few break-ins lately, strange people trying too hard to stay out of sight. I'll take the bunker's big open door with lots of people over Motel's no-one and wooden, breakable door.

Bunker - I guess i like the bunker. It's not too pretty to look at, but it's got hot chocolate and it feels safe, even without the door. Speaking of.. shouldn't we make barricades or something?

The "Wildlands" (Finland Forest Inn) - Spooky as heck, an' Camille didn't help it be any less scary. Hope i never have to stay in a place like that!


Hannah Farr Y'know, it's not really been that bad has it? Yeah i nearly died (I didn't though, big bonus.) and we went through alot of stuff trying to get here- i'm glad you guys found me in that first day, i don't think i would've made it a minute otherwise. Has it really been four years? Three since my operation i suppose. I don't remember too much while i was recovering, i remember asking you to be my Mom.. i know you said yes but.. i wish i remembered how you reacted.


Server start:
I remember when i first came back with Miss Sera, you were so happy and then so sad. I remember you yelling.. i don't know who to. I remember being in bed in a special room but i don't remember how long, just that you kept making sure it was clean so much. I remember when you were getting me to walk again and i couldn't do it at first. I remember all the time you spent teaching me and playing games with me, i wish i could repay it all. You always worked yourself to the bone, but i'll do my best.

Natasha Kusanagi - You're like family to me, as much as Hannah i'd say, though maybe more? I'm not sure. You've been there for me as much as anyone though. -And while you say you're Aunt Nat you're basically a second Mom to me. If things get any worse around camp, i'll probably be coming to you for alot of things.


Server start:
I remember you being one of the first people to visit me.. and you did ALOT. You taught me about guns and a whole lot of other stuff. I hope i can be there for you as much as you've been there for me, since i'm older and i can actually help now, right?

Ethan Fogg - I'm glad we've had alot of time to chill lately, with Nat and Hannah being so busy with work i haven't really had much to do other than sit in my room and play games. You're a giant butt sometimes but it's nice to have someone else i can chill with.


Server start:
I know i don't really speak to you as much as i should, but i'll try to be there more when you're stuck on guard duty. I feel like i never really gave you as much recognition as you deserved.

'Ricky' - You're pretty cool. I know it gets a bit boring around the Motel, but thanks for spending the time to chill and chat. Hoping things get better for you now you're with us. I hope those scars heal up soon, but maybe someone'll like them? They ARE pretty gnarly looking..

'Jamie' - Y'know, it was getting pretty lonely with Nat an' Mom being so busy, you're pretty funny so it's nice that you stick around so much! We never did find that drill, though.

'Camille' - You scared me pretty bad back then.. You're cool, but i'll need ANOTHER heart if you keep scaring me like that! It's nice to have you around though, not everyone has time to spend with me.

'Lexi' - You know alot about fixing people huh? It's gross sometimes but i bet that's nice to have! Oh and.. sorry i fell asleep during your movie.





Personal Use stuff i use in the thread, dating for relation logs, colour marks for the Key etc. Bold doesn't work so i have to copy paste the functioning bolded text and then try and remember what the colour code was for that relation, this stuff just makes it easier.

Bold Text that works! Pop!

0080ff fe7ffe 7af3b7 Neutral just uses silver aaaa fa7d01 800000 8040ff 8000ff

Last Relations Edit: All changed - [16/12/18]

Last Edit Jamie/Camille - [07/01/19]


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I just want to point out and reiterate this will make all previous Mayu interactions on Gen 2 nonexistant, and if you continue you are compliant with this (although I don't think many RP'd with Mayu Gen 2)

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I don't recall things so well, when i was talking with someone earlier they said Mayu wasn't really there in Gen 2 and since i couldn't find a gen2 bio i figured i didn't play her at all/she was mia. So i may just mulligan the seperated bit- though i'm unsure since there were a few characters, namely Hannah and Backston who were played in both Gen1 and Gen2.

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All relations get new entries now that some RP has been done while their first entries enter the archive.

'Ricky' was added


The Colony had two sub entries added:

The Motel


The Bunker

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Three new entries added, and one edited.



'Jamie' 'Lexi' 'Camille'




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