Legion 5 Posted January 11, 2019 Weekly Info Good evening ladies and gentlemen, happy new years! We have a rather nasty winter storm headed our way that's going to loiter in the area for quite a bit of time. It going to get rather chilly and visibility is diminishing as I type this out. Please stay safe and warm. Due to the above, I'm pulling in scaving and scouting teams back until this storm blows over. So if you intend on going out please let someone know. From the Supply Desk FOOD As we make our way thought this winter food supplies have begun to dwindle. Please make sure to ration what you have and do not overeat as it has to last us until spring. (FOOD RESERVES 20/100) MEDICINE Our medical stock has dipped to only a few first aid kits. We are in dire need of more supplies. (MEDICAL RESERVES 10/100) ARMS AND AMMUNITION While we have plenty of firearms, we are running low on most if not all calibers needed. Please conserve what ammo you have as we wont be able to get you more at this time. (MUNITIONS 40/100) From the Security Desk/Raiders Den As we have quite a few new people coming out of the woodwork as of late, please keep an eye on them as we had one group rifle through the motel rooms already. As you know we've implemented the sponsorship system to properly vet people and find out their intentions. If you meet someone of good standing and you wish to sponsor them please inform the security desk or leaders. We've noticed a bit of movement around the lower areas of the camp fence recently. At this point in time we are unsure what has been disturbing the area but make sure to keep your eyes peeled. It seems whatevers in the area is coming around at night. I have received reports about The Watchers in the current are we are scavenging. Be advised that their ability to almost perfectly camouflage themselves to their environment is not a rumor. Stay in groups and keep a ear to the ground people, dont get caught out there alone. The water in the bunker seems to be getting higher, if anyone finds any info on a sump pump please let us know. Thank you. Do you have medical experience and want to help out your community? Currently we are understaffed and would like to bring on a few more people medically inclined. Please see Rikki for more information. Notes from the staff Looking for new music for my collection, vinyl or CDs. Willing to trade for anything found out in the wild. -Sarohildi Whiskey, if you find any Ill be willing to pay you. Oh and cigarettes- Tanner Please for the love of god stay out of the minefield. You don't want to to be walkin around with one leg. -Nat Any Request, Reports, Comments or Concerns Please Write Below Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spring 1 Posted January 11, 2019 How long will the food last? And an approximate time on the storm? -Jason Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrSmiles 6 Posted January 11, 2019 Where do we drop off supplies we are willing to give from our personal stashes? Whether it be Ammo, Food or medicine? - Jamie? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Legion 5 Posted January 12, 2019 Food will last for a week or so, we are unsure of the duration of the storm at this time. Items can be turned into the security desk or other community leaders. Thank you! -Natasha Share this post Link to post Share on other sites