
Discord Server?

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Personally I feel like Discord would group what we utilize from the forums and the steam group and centralize it into one place or program. I mean, obviously, it isn't necessary, since we have these two systems set in place, but it's more a quality-of-life thing. Plus we can casually use it to chat real-time like a sort of shoutbox on other forums, and most of us usually have Discord running more than the forum in a tab or something.

What do you guys think?

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RP community doscorda are cancer in my opinion I can recall countless servers that have imploded due to them. I'm not a fan.

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Zero Hour will not officially endorse a discord server, as far as administration is concerned; it's been a discussion point since the initial launch of the continuation 6 months ago. I personally always have the forums open in a tab and check them twice a day unless I am otherwise busy, so I see most if not all things that pass through here.

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