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Will Farse

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Printed Name: Wilson Farse 

Please attach one or more photographs of yourself







Age: 23  | Body Type: Mesomorph Ectomorph Endomorph |Height:6' 3" | Weight:  189 lbs
Sex: M☒
 F☐ |  Hair Color: Bld Brw☒ Blk Red Oth | Eye Color: Bl Br Gra Gre H
Sexual Orientation: He☒ Ho Bi Oth☐ | Employed? Y☒ N☐ | Occupation(if applicable) Electrician     

Audio Resources
If able, please attach a vocal recording and/or a song/music you feel closely related to

 Vocal Recording - Phone recording I was able to find | Music or Song - Master Pretender by First Aid Kit

Psychological Profile

Strengths and Weaknesses
List anything you deem to be a personal strength or weakness, physical, mental, or social

Strengths: Math and Science fluent, engineering mindset, good work ethic, likes working with hands 


Weaknesses: Shy, technologically challenged, stubborn, sheltered                                                     


Likes and Dislikes
These can be people, traits, items, cultures, ideas, anything you like or dislike

Likes: Compassion, intelligence, Mexican food, Italian food, kids, TV, ancient cultures, bourbon        


Dislikes: Selfishness, vanity, racists and nazis, crowds, concerts, Irish food                                    


Personal Relations/Next of Kin
Feel free to add notes and descriptions of listed persons







Signature- SxVuCIV.png


Let ya boi know if you want added or somethin'

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