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Everything posted by Can0fs0da12

  1. I dunno, just seems better in the organization aspect
  2. Instead of having to apply for zombies on the special char auth thread why don't we just make a separate thread so people can apply for the Zombie whitelist?
  3. No offense mate, but that meme gave me some hard core cancer there. You gotta get the real shit. Like this He uses 2009 memes, top fucking kek.
  4. Can0fs0da12


    Man you just love to give him a bad rep. Soda here knows what's up I love you ech.
  5. Well sorry that annabelle is a antagonist
  6. Maps take a long time to make. Unless you plan on adding stuff to a map.
  7. Of course, but I doubt there will be a huge story arch. Currently not many story archs are happening, it's kind of like Mini character arcs atm like Richard becoming more Cynical but retaining his morals or Backston leading the group and learning more about being a leader and etc. But who knows maybe if you do come back Jason can affect a lot of the show because I'm not gonna lie wekindofneedsomemajorstoriesatm.
  8. Miles story arch was long, it started from the middle of season one and is still going on. Jason left in the current season. But I might make another list so who knows.
  9. Can0fs0da12


    Personally I indulge myself in the ZerohourRP anime but I do have a distaste for how they call Nigel a 'antagonist'. While he is a main villain he in a weird way is flawed and only wants what's best for the group like Backston. Personally I view him as I view Backston, Richard and many other characters. I view him as a flawed hero, because if you look at his goals and characteristics that's what he is, a man who is flawed but wants to do good. That's just my personal opinion.
  10. Insanity meter went down. Updated relationship on Carrie.
  11. I don't accept this as a canon listing, as it was not added by the man who actually made said listing. So A Simple Question for you is: [glow=red]Do you have a single fact to back that up?[/glow] I think she's referring to the Original ZerohourRP OVA though that's not canon.
  12. No women allowed, except maybe your character.
  13. #5. Miles Winter. Miles was a man of the people, and fell in love with this bitch named annabelle who fucking betrayed him. Miles was willing to do anything for this bitch but no she just fucking throws his kindness and generosity away for some blondie, making Miles go into a deep depression. Fuck you Annabelle fuck you. #4. Jason Udesky. Jason was the strong guy of the group and while not being the best person in existence he only wanted what was best for the group. He leaves after season two and it is unknown if he will be back. #3. Backston Dewar While Flawed Backston still manages to be a decent leader, sure he might not make the best decisions and like everyone in the zero hour anime he is a flawed man but he still manages to see the group through and through. At first you find Backston to just be some weirdo but throughout the anime you learn his backstory and learn why he's so flawed and that's what makes the character so great. #2. Nigel Sparrow He is a semi-Antagonist of the series although his goals are semi-similar to Backston's which makes the story interesting, the reason the two have conflict is because of their unwillingness to co-lead the group with each other. What will happen to Backston and Nigel is unknown but their character arcs are worth the watch. #1. The Warrior The Warrior was a misunderstood man, he and the priest known as 'the father' worshipped a plant they have named Ragitha. Due to the groups unwillingness to accept other religions the warrior is left behind, it is unknown what has happened to him or the father. Honorable Mentions: Richard Bronoca Jamie Udesky Leo.
  14. We can talk about how woman are trash.
  15. Just realized the new trait is probably gonna start a lot of 'respect women.' memes just now.
  16. Updated Journal entries. Mental state. Added two new people to relations.
  17. Uh...Hey, I've been leaving books by your house....Hope you enjoy them. -Richard Bronoca PS: Stay away from my house please.
  18. Also Updated the Asian bandit and some other relations. Some traits removed and one added.
  19. UPDATE He's not dead but he's developed into a Hermit