
Weapons mega thread!

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As you all know, our weapons are BAAAD! Please post your suggestions for new weapons here and we will look over them and try to get some of them to work!

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Please provide workshop links :D

Be aware that along with weapons we'd also need alternatives to melee weapons if we completely replace NMRiH (pending that the issue can't be fixed)

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I still think the insurgency ones would be a better transition, and easier to code in, but whatever works and doesn't crash the ever living shit out of us mid event.

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Why? Because now attachments can be looted for! Plenty of servers use it already without any issues of it crashing. The world models of the weapons dont display the attachments, but it's nothing that cant be imagined in character. Not to mention, the way it works in general is more authentic than most weapon packs. Plus, there are plenty of addons to this to add additional weapons and even more types of attachments.


- Dynamic recoil and accuracy

- Custom viewmodel movement

- Surface ricochet and penetration

- Firemodes

- Weapon holstering on weapon change

- Optional free-aim

- Inability to fire weapon when in water/climbing a ladder

- Designed for both singleplayer and multiplayer

- High weapon customization value

- Ability to adjust position of sights

- Weapon chambering

- Optional blur effects when reloading/aiming/customizing

- Ability to turn on simple telescopics and toggle the crosshair

- Attachment preset system

- Quick grenades

- Very flexible, easy to use and modular plug-in system for developers

- Heavy weapons slightly slow you down

- Custom optional HUD elements for displaying health and ammo (Spawn Menu > Utilities > CW 2.0 > Client)


- Kobra, EoTech 553, Aimpoint, Micro T1, Trijicon ACOG, Trijicon RMR, Schmidt&Bender Shortdot, PSO-1, SG1 scope for G3, Nightforce NXS

- PBS-1, SAKER, Tundra 9MM, Cobra M2

- AN/PEQ-15, Insight X2 LAM

- Varying length barrels for weapons

- Various handguards and stocks for weapons

- Varying capacity magazines

- M203 (underslung 40MM barrel)

- Foregrip

- Various attachments unique for specific weapons

Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=349050451

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As much as I would hate to see the NMRiH weapons go (Nostalgia) we need new guns, better looking ones too

I found some good ones but my only concern is that they aren't TFA, but will they still work?

These are the ones I thought would fit best




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Firearm source is bad bc you can dupe them. E + R to drop the swep but the script stays in your inventory

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