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Everything posted by Fireice

  1. And house of the dead I am very intrigued, my trousers ran away. Couldn't handle the hype.
  2. Is this 'epidemic' is similar to the one in the division. That's my guess.
  3. Geez you gotta bring that golden oldie back? fuck.
  4. Post your ambient, n' cool tunes my dudes. Also girls. ">[bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  5. Fireice


    *sounds of the hype engine reving* [bbvideo=560,315][/bbvideo] Revised
  6. Fireice


    Is why I ask. 'Cause boy i've got idears.
  7. Fireice


    "Okay little man has choices two. Left knee, or right knee."
  8. Fireice


    Since this site is still aroouuund. Are there any ideas for another rp server? Or maybe you're still looking for ideas?
  9. ">[bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] Heide. A large man. Always happy despite any situation. He sits against a concrete wall. Another person snuggled up next to him. Albeit limply. He holds this figure close to him with a fondness. In one hand he held a brick of some sort, in the other a detonator. He stares, at a glass wall with a door in the middle. The dead bellow relentlessly as they ware on the integrity of the barrier. Heide flicks his finger across the trigger. Vy'shka barely conscious leans against him. A hole through her chest. "I still hope you can find room in your heart to forgive yourself heide. I am sure they still love you." Vy' said with a passing breath. Her muscles limping. Heide tried to comfort her pain, though the sound of life leaving ones breath was too familiar to him. Heide looks up at the failing barrier as it crackled a little. The sounds of an angry mob of undead muffled to him. A long pause, the barrier crackling more, and more. "Dottie, Hannah, Renee, Little Anne, Backston, Natasha, Erika, Cash, Ethan... Everyone." He said with a grainy voice. Leaning back on the wall. "Where ever you all are. It was arguably the best time heide had been alive. With true friends" He frowns a little. Somewhat far too gone to let the failing barrier phase him as chips, and pieces started to fall to the ground. "I do regret leaving you all. Heide misses you all dearly. Only if world was smaller no? Hannah, you would have loved to meet vy'shka here" He hums a little chuckle. "Heides only hope... is that you can somehow forgive me. Then maybe I can rest in peace. There are so many things I wanted to do. Heide loves you all." He looks at the pale eyes of all the undead as they broke through. Heide raised the detonator. "Forgive me." Click-Click...
  10. RP_Dust_V2 Also forgot someone in the note
  11. Heide took most his stuff with him. Though there's the things he leaves behind. -4 car batteries -spade -lead pipes -a pile of various cloth -15 rabbit furs -a wooden body of a hunting rifle. -an empty baretta
  12. Heide. Being healed, though dodged everyone, and stayed out of the way. Got up, and left one morning. Thought of his sister haunting him. IT was not even the crack of dawn. Packing his kit, he set out. But not before leaving notes for everyone. When someone finally finds this small stack of paper it read: To everyone. I am sorry. This is selfish of me, but I must do it. Maybe you can find me in Texas, maybe i'll be dead. I don't know. To little dot, and hannah. I loved you both as siblings. I wouldn't blame you if you were angry at me. Keep each other safe. Backston. Never change Natasha don't stop being a bitch. Anne. I'm so sorry, little anne. I hope you can forgive me, keep boris safe. (This note was attatched to a trench coat, ushanka wearing teddy bear.) Erika. I know we butt heads. but I still liked you. Everyone else, stay safe. -Your favourite Giant man. Heide.
  13. So why did you? Because it would bother me greatly if I chose not to view this. Feel grateful that I view your post!
  14. I could have gone my life without viewing this post, and be fine.
  15. I just get such a nostalgic feeling from hearing heavy metal rolling out. Be it late 90s or just a few years ago. ">[bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] ">[bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] No, front mission evolved was a fucking disappointment.
  16. iiity bity update read the top
  17. Fireice


    'The hacker known as 4chan.'
  18. Update to some relationships. 2/24/2017