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Patient Zero

I think it's time to say goodbye to Atmos

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For a while our server has been using Atmos, but I have seen a lot of problems with it.

Atmos can cause lighting glitches, severe lag and is just a big addon in general, so what I now present

with you is StormFox.

Like Atmos storm fox has dynamic day and night cycles, better frames and a lot more recent and up to date with

the current state of Gmod, It's also a lot smaller for those who are pickier about space on their Pc/Desktop

My only concern is the addon is in Beta at the moment and might be showing some signs of bugs and such, I

kindly ask the admin team to test the mod out, as Atmos is seeming to behave as if it outdated and has trouble running

the current state of Gmod.


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I suggested this shit to Knomad and Legion.

I approve of this shit hard core dude, tried it out in single player and good god it's fucking great.

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We'll be looking into it, I've heard that it turns all shadows at night to a shade of purple.

I also see if it can scale correctly to realistic time, i know there is a command but I dunno how accurate it is.

It'll hit our testing server first.

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Update, I have looked at it

It's -really- nice, but I think it wisest to let this bake a little longer. While this has all these fancy bells and whistles I'm aware they are actively patching and updating this content, to the point where that shadows thing I mentioned was fixed like at the time I mentioned it. However, that being said, all the nice-eties and updated goodness fall short due to lack of user control. It definitely seems more finnicky in these earlier stages, not even on a server; in single player the weather commands don't necessarily like to listen, advancing to day requires a sped-up night cycle, and toggling rain/snow/wind/etc. effects require a total restart instead of being live switches.

Obviously it's still a -very good- weathermod, but until it has a few more updates to address things of this nature (and maybe a tick box for realtime instead of a console command that may not even work correctly/persist after a restart), I think it's best to hold off for the time being. Again, this is only my personal opinion, but I think it'll be more work for us on our end currently.

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