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Sillykilla's Staff Application

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1) Steam Name & SteamID

Sillykilla STEAM_0:1:6436813

2) IC character(s) you use currently.

Katia Patterson

3) Amount of collective RP experience & where, as well as any particular respected positions (A captain, an officer, etc.)

I've been role playing for roughly 6-7 years now, garrysmod is where I started on a Fallout Roleplay server. Most of the servers listed under my administrative experiences I've been apart of as a player before getting placed into Staff. However I've played on a lot of other role plays like zombie RP's, Fallout, STALKER, and halo without getting bumped to a staff position.

4) Any admin experience on prior servers; what kind of RP and what server

Aeternum Roleplay - Head admin/ Co-Owner.

-Halo, ODST Role play

-Fallout RP

-Star Wars role play

-Mass Effect Role play

Kobold Roleplay - Super admin

-Star Wars Roleplay

-Halo Roleplay

ZARP/AG - Superadmin/Regular Admin

-Zombie RP (Admin)

-Fallout roleplay (Super Admin)

I can list a few more servers that I've staffed on but they didn't last very long, the servers listed above lasted a few months in length.

5) Why you want to become an admin for us

I'd like to become an admin for this community because from personal experience Zombie RP's strive on administrator backed passive events and passive role play. I'd also love to make a few more combat orientated events and help out with the overall story line arc for the server. However my main focus is to make sure the players and characters don't feel like they're excluded from everyone else and giving them an equal opportunity to have gear and solid role play just as everyone else does. Long story short I want to provide administrator support for every player by giving them the chance to feel important to the server, by giving them simple jobs or events to survive, or by giving them a unforgettable combat experience.

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