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Server Status

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So after our awesome, but now short lived beta, Gmod updated and broke everything we loved. SO with that said we're going to take this opportunity to basically re-work the server from the ground up. The current schema we are running on is old and runs on duct tape and hope... And well... Hope finally ran out, and no matter how much duct tape we have, we can't bring that hope back.

I apologize as this is for sure going to delay us more than we liked, and it's going to put an end to the awesome bit of RP we had going for the short beta. However we feel in the end this will be the best option we have. The server will come back just a little bit later with a far better more well put together schema.

We are going to attempt to save character names and descriptions, items will most likely be wiped unfortunately, we will work out a system to get you guys your stuff back, or at least stuff close to have you had. 

Thank you all for your time! We love you!



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Just a quick update, friends: We are making progress and things are mostly going smoothly, aside from human errors on our end that make us go stir crazy for about 5 minutes haha.  We'll let you guys know when everything is back 100%, but since so many people are waiting on the word I figure an update was in order.  If this pace keeps up, server might reopen very soon 🙂

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