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Fat Man Application

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Character name: Harold Bronson

Bio: A man of immense proportion and size, thicker than a bowl of oatmeal, and a sex symbol among men. 

        Harold is a righteous man who believes in Jesus, guns, and the American dream. Although a staunch believer in his nation, his source of income when he was a young lad was nothing respectable in the eyes of the law. At and early age he joined a biker gang as a foot soldier, a nobody, and a rascal who was just looking for quick cash. However he eventually made a good living for himself, rising up in the ranks and eventually securing his position as a Chaplain and Enforcer, mainly due to his staunch belief in the lord and justice. This went on for many years, until he reached the age of 56! Zombies dun and ruined everything, the gang, the drugs, and even worse.. These zombies probably didn't believe in Jesus?! Harold would not stand for this, specially after his gang buddies ending up getting themselves killed soon after society broke down. So Harold took his guns, 12 pack of beer, and his motorcycle.. and rode off into the sunset on the path of the righteous man.



  • M1911 pistol
  • Machete
  • Shotgun
  • 12 pack of beer
  • Motorcycle
  • The good book [The Bible,  King James Version]



Harold as a young buck


Harold In the Gang's smuggling warehouse




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Goofy but reasonable, I would like to see how he got included into the group but none the less +support 

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2 hours ago, Legion said:

Goofy but reasonable, I would like to see how he got included into the group but none the less +support 

Honestly, I'd just jump right in and socialize. 

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Honestly seems like they would be the dad on the group, and they are on a path to redemption in the eyes of god. This guy is gonna be great if he gets accepted


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This is so simple but I love it. I want to hear about Jesus over that twelve pack.

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I will give my support but I also don't necessarily want this character immediately at launch.  If nobody admin side agrees with me then I'm fine with a full greenlight

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1 hour ago, Emptybag said:

I will give my support but I also don't necessarily want this character immediately at launch.  If nobody admin side agrees with me then I'm fine with a full greenlight


He's gonna remember that, boi


  • Haha 2

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