
The Return.... Again!?

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I hope everyone is doing well in these crazy times. We've obviously been discussing returning to give everyone who's stuck at home something to do in their now abundant free time. 


In order to return I think it's best if we restart from the ground up again. Start a new story line with new characters and all that good stuff. There's plenty to iron out and this isn't a promise that we will even manage to start something up but I want to hear from you guys! This is our chance to have another totally fresh start and I want to include the community as much as possible in creating some of the lore and I want you included in some of the decisions we make as well!


One of the first questions I have for you all is what is your opinion on using the current situation globally as a starting point? It's obviously kind of perfect for our theme, but is using it too insensitive to the situation? Let me know how you feel about that.

The next thing I want to know is where you all would like to start up! Start before anything happens, just everyday normal life RP for a few days? Or should we start a few days in as things are already starting to ramp up?


And I want to know what you guys want! What type of story, how realistic you want it, map ideas, event ideas. Anything you want to see added or just want to bring up for discussion, feel free to post here or send me a message! Hell even let me know if you think it's a terrible idea to start again!


I wouldn't go about making new forum threads or anything right now, I'm going to move the old stuff around and rebuild it for a new start, don't worry I wont be deleting anything, it will be just like last time, character profiles and the like will just be stuffed in another folder that you'll be able to browse to!

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This Veteran Agrees!

I don't think that it's too intensive or anything at all just slightly, cliche? I've been a long running member and I'm happy to see us start up again but why has it always been the quota for us to do the bare bones Romero zombies? I don't think that we should stray away from the pre to post apocalyptic scene but why not officially enhance it? A lot of us know we had stricken gold back when we were all mere memebrs of L4DRP, so why not add some pizzazz? Perhaps we use zombies from killing floor and instead of a virus a corporate machine pumps out these creatures to dominate the U.S? I'm not trying to boss any one around and I'd hate for some one to feel like that, but what we usually do needs to have some spice added to it, the recipe is old and dusty.

As for the second question I 100% support and think we should start Pre-Outbreak. Not only does this add great character development but it adds a lot of time for players to get to know one another and get use to how Zero Hour Roleplay is handled, furthermore it feels nice to have official ground zero characters in the server and part of the lore, it adds a lot of sense to the whole "Veteran Survivors" that you see from time to time. All in all if it came down a vote I would be 100% behind the idea of Pre-Outbreak.

I think we should start again, base line. Whole new lore and a whole new idea to tackle, no plugging old characters in too. An entirely new universe if you will. I think that the realism should remain at 100% (As realistic as you can make a zombie outbreak), that is the way we have always done it and I wouldn't really see any reason to deviate from that norm.


I'm up for anything new though! I really do like this group!

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Nah but restarting all new sounds like a real good idea. Using a pandemic as the starting point sounds like a good idea, but using COVID-19 specifically would be kinda weird and a lil tasteless.

Pre-Outbreak I think would be very nice, especially if we were using a pandemic as a base, as you could gradually introduce laws and lockdowns, which would be fun to RP as the characters, in addition to the obvious benefit of creating some character connections from the start.

That being said, I would actually prefer a little less reliance on realism? Not like, flying cars or water to wine or anything, we'd definitely wanna stay within reason, but getting into the really nitty-gritty of what is entirely realistic I feel can really slow down RP. Giving some leeway, again within reason, I feel would, hopefully, lead to smoother, more fun interactions, and could also just lead to some cool cinematic stories. I do understand however that some of the enjoyment comes from that realistic element, so how much leeway to give on any given situation would be a question.

I would also agree with Zero's idea of bringing in the L4D type zombies again, obviously not as the standard, but mutant zeds add a nice variety and mixes up gameplay and roleplay.

But yeah, I'd love to RP with this community again!

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13 hours ago, Patient Zero said:

but why has it always been the quota for us to do the bare bones Romero zombies? I don't think that we should stray away from the pre to post apocalyptic scene but why not officially enhance it? A lot of us know we had stricken gold back when we were all mere memebrs of L4DRP, so why not add some pizzazz? Perhaps we use zombies from killing floor and instead of a virus a corporate machine pumps out these creatures to dominate the U.S? I'm not trying to boss any one around and I'd hate for some one to feel like that, but what we usually do needs to have some spice added to it, the recipe is old and dusty.

We have tried using other zombies if you're talking about NPC's and they always seem to be an annoyance more than anything RP enhancing, if you have something in mind as far as the NPC department goes I'd love to see it! The ones we had seemed to be the best of them, none of the NPCs were ever great honestly. As far as allowing special zombies and the like we can for sure allow more of those, last gen we may have been too strict on what we allowed and didn't allow so that's something we can totally consider allowing more of, I know our first gen we did after picking up from Macho's system we had some pretty crazy special infected that never were reborn in the second gen.

12 hours ago, ejflorkey said:

That being said, I would actually prefer a little less reliance on realism? Not like, flying cars or water to wine or anything, we'd definitely wanna stay within reason, but getting into the really nitty-gritty of what is entirely realistic I feel can really slow down RP. Giving some leeway, again within reason, I feel would, hopefully, lead to smoother, more fun interactions, and could also just lead to some cool cinematic stories. I do understand however that some of the enjoyment comes from that realistic element, so how much leeway to give on any given situation would be a question.

How would you recommend going about this? I feel we've always tried being fair when it comes to injuries and not forcing people to RP out a broken leg for 6 weeks straight and the like. But I also know we were probably more strict on that front than most servers are. To me medical RP is boring and I hate every second of it, but I know we have a lot of community members that are both very good at it and seem to really enjoy it, so I wouldn't want to totally take that experience out of it for people who want to play through that.  But I'd love to hear if you had something in mind regarding how to make it flow better while keeping it at least mostly realistic!


A couple more questions I have had. What's the general opinion of permakilling people especially early on in the outbreak (Or at all). This is when most people are most vulnerable and it obviously adds to the story line, but it also ends with a character that someone created no longer being able to be played. We have always been very cautious when we approach killing a player character, we've for sure let people get away with things that we probably wouldn't let ourselves get away with for the sake of them keeping their characters. It also always creates drama when a player feels they were unjustly targeted in someway. I know in the last start we did, we had a guy at the start that was running around kiting the NPCs and punching them in the face to slowly kill a hoard, so we had an admin get on a player controlled zombie and attack him as the hoard, obviously it didn't end well. (This was after multiple attempts at telling the guy he'd been hit by the hoard or he should probably not play with zombies and should run away.) but in the end he felt targeted and harassed and quit the community after it. And in the end maybe these are just the people we will weed out that don't understand our system and how we handle things. It's a very tight balancing act I feel of making the players know there is actual risk to there actions, but also being fair and not just killing people for making a simple mistake even though, in this setting a simple mistake could get you killed. So I'd love to know how you guys feel about handling permakilling and the like with the player base!


And another thing I want to know from you guys is what you think is a good option for loot. We obviously can't be called to every single car trunk or wooden box people find to roll the dice and see if the find a dead rat or an .50 cal in there, it's impractical and stupidly inefficient. But we still want to control the loot and how it's handled out, and we still want to make sure that players have to work for it in some way or another for a lot of stuff. Obviously minor loot we can leave out and let people find, I believe we can even push storage containers into trunks and stuff to hold loot, but the big problem with this is when no one is on, someone can hop on and just run around stealing everything for themselves, so I'm wondering if the best solution is to make any loot that's more than a melee weapon be event only. That way we can make sure people are not just running around our maps trying to find the best gun on the map, and if we end up giving more stuff out throughout our events I'd imagine more people would be wanting to play more often. But this causes the problem of running enough events to keep things going so this is a difficult process.  I feel we've been pretty strict when it comes to loot for sure, and I think that's probably driven people away, but we've always felt that the server should never be about loot hoarding, and we never want to encourage that kind of thing. We've PKed people who refuse to stop running around alone stealing all the loot on the map. So that's another thing I'd love ideas on, I'd love to know if you guys have a system in mind or a better solution to loot and how to handle it!

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For the loot situations, as dumb as it sounds, do like parts. So when a map change happens, spawn the majority of loot, then later on, spawn more. Sure it doesn't make sense but it keeps order and looters at Bay.

Like an example is when u do an event, you have to and in that to situation you spawn loot around the map while u tell the peeps to wait. That way the looters can loot and the people can rp for loot.

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I do like the idea of starting over and doing a pre infection event done a bit more slowly and gradually leading up to an outbreak, like what ejflorkey mentioned. I'd be down for anything that the server does end up deciding though and working with whatever works for everybody. 

In terms of the Infection start we would need a good time setting, what city it takes place and all of those minor details as well as how we're going to be setting up characters who want to be police/ems/etc.

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4 hours ago, Zerghunter said:

A couple more questions I have had. What's the general opinion of permakilling people especially early on in the outbreak (Or at all). This is when most people are most vulnerable and it obviously adds to the story line, but it also ends with a character that someone created no longer being able to be played. We have always been very cautious when we approach killing a player character, we've for sure let people get away with things that we probably wouldn't let ourselves get away with for the sake of them keeping their characters. It also always creates drama when a player feels they were unjustly targeted in someway. I know in the last start we did, we had a guy at the start that was running around kiting the NPCs and punching them in the face to slowly kill a hoard, so we had an admin get on a player controlled zombie and attack him as the hoard, obviously it didn't end well. (This was after multiple attempts at telling the guy he'd been hit by the hoard or he should probably not play with zombies and should run away.) but in the end he felt targeted and harassed and quit the community after it. And in the end maybe these are just the people we will weed out that don't understand our system and how we handle things. It's a very tight balancing act I feel of making the players know there is actual risk to there actions, but also being fair and not just killing people for making a simple mistake even though, in this setting a simple mistake could get you killed. So I'd love to know how you guys feel about handling permakilling and the like with the player base!


And another thing I want to know from you guys is what you think is a good option for loot. We obviously can't be called to every single car trunk or wooden box people find to roll the dice and see if the find a dead rat or an .50 cal in there, it's impractical and stupidly inefficient. But we still want to control the loot and how it's handled out, and we still want to make sure that players have to work for it in some way or another for a lot of stuff. Obviously minor loot we can leave out and let people find, I believe we can even push storage containers into trunks and stuff to hold loot, but the big problem with this is when no one is on, someone can hop on and just run around stealing everything for themselves, so I'm wondering if the best solution is to make any loot that's more than a melee weapon be event only. That way we can make sure people are not just running around our maps trying to find the best gun on the map, and if we end up giving more stuff out throughout our events I'd imagine more people would be wanting to play more often. But this causes the problem of running enough events to keep things going so this is a difficult process.  I feel we've been pretty strict when it comes to loot for sure, and I think that's probably driven people away, but we've always felt that the server should never be about loot hoarding, and we never want to encourage that kind of thing. We've PKed people who refuse to stop running around alone stealing all the loot on the map. So that's another thing I'd love ideas on, I'd love to know if you guys have a system in mind or a better solution to loot and how to handle it!

1. Perma killing. Oh boy Perma killing. I think it's a must and something that the players should be constantly reminded of. Similar to death in real life It's something a player should never ever want their characters to get caught up in. One big lesson players need to learn is that losing characters is part of good RP, that the whole point of a character, to experiment with it and do something out of the norm, when I lose a character now I see it as a great opportunity to tackle something new and exciting, of course I wasn't always like this but as I have grown and matured in RP I came to be comfortable with losing characters. The specific example you bring up is something I wouldn't dwell on, players like that need to be weeded out as they more than likely are here to just power game. Those are the kind of players that run around and get kitted then never leave the "Safe Zone" ever again. Bottom line is I think Permakills should be handled the way they always have been. If a player is doing something fucking stupid for example the reason provided above and has been given warnings (personally I'd argue that you shouldn't need to be warned) then that player should be dealt with accordingly. The setting we are going for doesn't really make room for mistakes to be made as that is how people generally tend to survive disasters, they'll get lucky or they will play smart and not fuck up

2. Oh the good ol' script pixels that we players yearn for oh so dearly. Yes it's true and it happens often. When the server reaches 0 or 2 it's very easy for a newbie or even veteran to just jump around and look for items I'm even willing to admit to being guilty of this. There is no work around for this unless the admin team is willing to delete everything when they get off which can just be, tedious. The whole loot balance and player interest is a very tough issue to tackle, because not only are you dealing with what you want but with what the other 100+ players who will join your server want as well. Simply put, I think one really good way to counter this is starting the server in a heavily gun controlled area, last time we did Texas so it made sense for their to be guns just up and about everywhere, hell I'm even pretty sure some players had a gun before the outbreak occurred which I find to be extremely rare. I wouldn't say that we have been too strict when it comes to loot at all actually, I think this is one of the few servers that actually handles there loot really well, for instance, I recall one time I was looting this apartment complex and I wasn't really finding jack shit but there was a gun in a trash bin outside of the building and because I thought smart and decided to check that spot I was rewarded. Maybe we shouldn't PK people off the bat for solo looting but lead up to a PK if that makes any sense? Let me try and draw out my idea here. So for instance lets say there has been a player who keeps running out alone into the city and getting loot, and he keeps doing this. The admins could take note of this and maybe next time he is out looting he encounters a zombie, and then after that he encounters a robber and than after that he gets PKed. I think we should be doing things that force the community to loot together instead of alone as it makes for great character interaction and great RP, perhaps try and seek out and harm the players that loot alone instead in groups, that's how it would happen in real life any how.

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On the internal side of things as far as loot goes, we essentially have done everything listed so far short of spawning stuff and holding an internal loot table that the team is aware of and respawn accordingly when we are on and delete when they leave.


Honestly there is no good solution other than a tedious one and while we want the experience for players to be fun I feel comfortable speaking for others when we want it to be fun for the admin team as well. 


We could instead simply spawn parts of weapons that way people running around looting late at night end up with some barrels and springs. It wouldnt be hard to implement and would require an admin item trade with some RP tossed into the mix....it just is kinda silly that nobody would ever find full weapons (unless prevented, which may work).


I know before what I was personally doing was super hiding some good shit but making ammunition itself plentiful. We even had a mini Metro situation going for a bit. That way it's useful and a bargaining chip and players feel like they've progressed but cant outwardly hurt others wirh their findings .


I think it should be reiterated that half of the team sprouted from a low event background and the other half thoroughly enjoys events. I think either way its handled we try to keep hollywood to a minimum, but may play into it if the players are having fun. But it should be stated that particularly as an admin we really enjoy passive as all we really can be surprised by is the otherwise (for lack of a better term, in comparison) "mundane" character development aspects. The exception of a random admin event surprise to another non withstanding (generally we all communicate and that's how the server doesnt fall apart). So there needs to be a healthy balance of both action and non action.


I find that some adrenaline junkies really love beating NPCs to death even when there is no map mode graph. I'd like to know if people enjoy those truly or would rather have an admin special infected event in place of hoardes of unresponsive glitchy hitbox trash running at barricades and slapping them to Mars.


I think PKs are imperative and teach newcomers we mean it when we say we are serious rp

I think punishments were handled well with the Richard and sunny saga with the robbery. Things similar to that nature are a good alternative to an entire PK as a forewarning.


Theres probably more to say but I'm at work on my phone currently so I'll probably chime in more later.


Also hello everyone, I've heard your pleas for a return for many a month :)

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12 hours ago, Zerghunter said:

We have tried using other zombies if you're talking about NPC's and they always seem to be an annoyance more than anything RP enhancing, if you have something in mind as far as the NPC department goes I'd love to see it! The ones we had seemed to be the best of them, none of the NPCs were ever great honestly. As far as allowing special zombies and the like we can for sure allow more of those, last gen we may have been too strict on what we allowed and didn't allow so that's something we can totally consider allowing more of, I know our first gen we did after picking up from Macho's system we had some pretty crazy special infected that never were reborn in the second gen.

Have you tried the Lethal Necrotics SNPC zombies? I've seen them work really well on NS RP servers I helped organize/make, they actually have the NMRIH zombies in there too but better. Sure, the Combine zombies may be a bit of an issue for example but we can just not use them and only use the ones that do indeed make sense to be used. If you're looking for what I suggested here it is (It's a collection of all the Lethal Necrotics SNPC add-ons. I'm not saying to get all of them of course as that wouldn't make sense since there is TF2 zombies but still, I'm sure you get what I'm trying to show.):



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In regards to my realism bit, your attitude around medical RP mirrors my own feelings and approach to things like gun and military realism RP, where I don't super care for it, but recognize the enjoyment of others in it. I'm really just talking about specifics in those areas, where something might be brought into question of like "That caliber wouldn't be able to do that" or "That's not standard military procedure", things like that. Again I don't want to hand wave just anything, in fact I think most things should adhere to realistic standards, but for instance if somebody wants to shoot a regular shitty door's lock out, maybe certain guns couldn't technically do that, but if it's not absurd to allow that to happen. Minor things like that, again, not trying to be like "Actaully I shût the Tank with my .22 rifel and it exblodes", or even more mild examples, but with minor things that might otherwise impede RP. In general that's not been a huge problem with this group, it's just something I wanted to bring up. Again though, that's just my opinion and attitude, I understand a lot of RPers enjoy getting in depth with that kind of stuff.

I've never had a huge problem with how loot has been handled, though perhaps having certain characters that are occasionally played by the admin team that act as traders could help with doling out some things? Say there's a character Mike that usually goes on runs so he's only in with the group once or twice a week with his findings, that kind of thing.

In the past I've really more seen the NPCs as set dressing, or a deterrence from certain parts of the map that shouldn't be explored yet, that kind of thing. I didn't have a huge problem with how they were handled before, though newer/better versions are always cool. Perhaps literally blocking off parts of the map so that NPCs couldn't get to the usual RP area but players could get to their area would be good, players would either risk themselves trying to get to that area, or make teams to go to those areas and get some heightened passive RP. I dunno though, as has been said, NPCs are tricky.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Permakilling I think is generally fine, as long as the object is never specifically TO kill characters. Situations should be set up with danger and then the players should react to that danger, either smartly or dumbly. That danger should feel dangerous, and learning that I think is a good thing. That being said, some grace on that is nice at times, for instance, if somebody's just walking around the map and stumbles into a mini event, or if something's being done as a kind of side event thing, and a character that that person is really attached to dies, the option to NLR isn't a bad one, though like most things it's a case by case deal.

All that being said, I WILL be EXCLUSIVELY RPing as Steve Harvey in this iteration I'm VERY sorry to say, NO ONE is happy about this LEAST of all me.😔

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I think medical RP and general player health RP are very hard to do in terms of realism. We have to slightly use the suspension of disbelief method when it comes to medical RP and health RP. For instance, a player will be shot in the stomach, and you could rp removing the bullet and cleaning the wound as well as stitching it back up, in the real world though, we are all aware of how this would end. The person would likely need a critical surgery before they die of acute bleeding. In RP players are made of flesh and bone, and that kind of how I have always seen it, getting shot in the lungs or liver has never been an issue before on any RP server I've been on, just the same as any other bullet wound. And there is nothing wrong with that, I'm sure that every player would agree that it just makes RP easier. Perhaps in some instances people have surgery done but no where near the rate it should happen. Ejflorky makes a very valid and clear point with the whole Military/Gun RP deal. I often see people in RP try their hardest to win fights using outside knowledge about bullet velocity, penetration and damage to win fights, I've even seen people literally pull up articles mid fight so they could have the upper hand and in my opinion, this kind of RP can get really fucking annoying, fast. Thats why I think it would be a wise decision for the admin team to decide such things. I propose we make a system surrounding bullets and their damage to armor, tissue and objects, for instance. Lets say a player has gotten himself a nice set of police body armor, this armor is usually rated around class IIA I believe, correct me if I'm wrong. This armor class is built to take on the most common hand gun round such as 9MM, .40 S&W, 45 etc. Now if a player with this armor gets shot by one of those rounds he or she is fine, aside from a hairline fracture or bruised bone they are fine. Now lets say a slug is fired at this mans chest from a shotgun, I think all of us could agree that it is a fatal wound. A system like this could help make things easier when it came to player v player gun fights I believe, as well as making a good baseline for what can and can't kill you. 


Another thing I would like to comment on, and I'd REALLY REALLY like to get some opinions on this is how players obtain PAC gear. Listen, Pac3 is an amazing tool that players can do anything with and I've seen amazing things come from it. I'm pretty sure many of us re-call a certain man in knight armor from a long time ago. But one issue that I see all of the time is players just randomly putting vests, helmets or gas masks on their character for the sake of having a leg up in a gunfight. This is something even I've been guilty of in the past and I think a very hard restriction should be put in place on how players obtain gear through PAC. Things like ski-masks, hats or even mundane items such as bicycle helmets or football gear possibly could get the pass but pieces of gear that can decide between a living and dying player, such as ballistic helmets, riot gear or bulletproof vests should be handed out very gently. Of course players will work around this by crafting armor but magazines and scrap metal can only do so much. I'd like to get some further opinions on this if any one thinks differently.

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First off, thank you all for all the information. This is super helpful!


8 hours ago, Patient Zero said:

Another thing I would like to comment on, and I'd REALLY REALLY like to get some opinions on this is how players obtain PAC gear. Listen, Pac3 is an amazing tool that players can do anything with and I've seen amazing things come from it. I'm pretty sure many of us re-call a certain man in knight armor from a long time ago. But one issue that I see all of the time is players just randomly putting vests, helmets or gas masks on their character for the sake of having a leg up in a gunfight. This is something even I've been guilty of in the past and I think a very hard restriction should be put in place on how players obtain gear through PAC. Things like ski-masks, hats or even mundane items such as bicycle helmets or football gear possibly could get the pass but pieces of gear that can decide between a living and dying player, such as ballistic helmets, riot gear or bulletproof vests should be handed out very gently. Of course players will work around this by crafting armor but magazines and scrap metal can only do so much. I'd like to get some further opinions on this if any one thinks differently.

This has been a big issue for me as well. I love what people can do in PAC, but I hate what people can do in PAC as well.  In our last iteration at the end we implemented a system of actual armor you had to have in your inventory. If you didn't have the specific type of armor in your inventory and you had something PAC'ed on that looked like it, you're just wearing a cosplay suit basically. PAC is stupid hard to police so I think using something like this is the best method still of weeding people out, if you don't have a bullet proof plate in your inventory, you're wearing  plate carrier with maybe a text book stuffed into it or nothing at all because in the end a plate carrier without it's plate is just some camo cloth.


This also brings up the PVP question. Zero already brought up his points but I'm curious how others feel about handling PVP we've always worked on a system of let the players choose. We've never forced rolls onto people unless they felt they wanted them, or if they were argumentative with basic actions. The rolling system isn't complex enough to be totally fair obviously, not without stat modifiers and bonus's for people and that seems like something impossible to really work in well to Gmod RP anyway. We've always kind of let the players act it out and controlled from the background making judgment calls in the end if there was an argument (Which to be fair was actually pretty rare!) Most of our players were always pretty good about being fair in a PVP fight and not powergaming, but also understanding their own characters weaknesses. I still feel this is kind of the best situation, I don't know if creating a complex system of stats and the like would be needed if we can put the expectation on the players that they are here for the same reason as everyone else and to play fair. I don't mind popping into a fight scene and moderating it and letting people know when I feel they've powergamed or gone too far, it's obviously human nature to want to win a fight in anyway possible which may make you do something without realizing it. In the end though I'm not sure that's the most fun for the players and I want to make sure you guys get a system you enjoy as well!

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Parroting Zerg, in reference to Zero, I coded an exceptionally rudimentary yet functional way of determining proof of PAC by implementing various Body Armor Items which were single slot, unusable placeholders that were essentially proof tickets of Visual PAC gear.  If someone got shot and claimed they had it, all it took was an admin proof of their inventory (or them dropping it) at which point 1) The injury would be lessened accordingly and 2) Depending on the damage, the armor was either returned or deleted.


PAC is amazing, and especially with the newest one people are forcing life down this old games bullet. I think most would agree it brings gmod at least into the last decade in terms of functionality and memories before PAC were bleak text only representations of variance in character. I love seeing what people could do and how they visualize their character, especially coming from a modeling and game design background.


But presently I think Occams Razor is the best case use here; this is a quick and simple answer to a gritty problem, and I think anything else would overcomplicate something that otherwise is generally agreeable by our players.

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pre-outbreak for a few days would be nice but let's not have a repeat of when we did it for like weeks

current situation is fine honestly, it's not that bad imo

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On 4/30/2020 at 9:53 AM, Zerghunter said:

A couple more questions I have had. What's the general opinion of permakilling people especially early on in the outbreak (Or at all). This is when most people are most vulnerable and it obviously adds to the story line, but it also ends with a character that someone created no longer being able to be played. We have always been very cautious when we approach killing a player character, we've for sure let people get away with things that we probably wouldn't let ourselves get away with for the sake of them keeping their characters. It also always creates drama when a player feels they were unjustly targeted in someway. I know in the last start we did, we had a guy at the start that was running around kiting the NPCs and punching them in the face to slowly kill a hoard, so we had an admin get on a player controlled zombie and attack him as the hoard, obviously it didn't end well. (This was after multiple attempts at telling the guy he'd been hit by the hoard or he should probably not play with zombies and should run away.) but in the end he felt targeted and harassed and quit the community after it. And in the end maybe these are just the people we will weed out that don't understand our system and how we handle things. It's a very tight balancing act I feel of making the players know there is actual risk to there actions, but also being fair and not just killing people for making a simple mistake even though, in this setting a simple mistake could get you killed. So I'd love to know how you guys feel about handling permakilling and the like with the player base!

I'm all in favor of permadeath. Worst thing that happens if a character dies is you make a new one.

I'm also in favor of pre-outbreak RP. Lets me play the Sims for a bit before I get ripped apart by zombies and 8 foot tall cool guy survivors wielding katanas. 

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Zerohour has always been a permadeath server in-regards to IC interactions. And I'd love to keep it that way, gives impact to peoples stories and actions, as well as stops people from acting a fool with the guise of a NLR in their back pocket.


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2 hours ago, Dankerbug said:

I'm all in favor of permadeath. Worst thing that happens if a character dies is you make a new one.

I'm also in favor of pre-outbreak RP. Lets me play the Sims for a bit before I get ripped apart by zombies and 8 foot tall cool guy survivors wielding katanas. 


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5 minutes ago, Patient Zero said:

Could we be informed of when a good time to apply for characters would be? 

Were currently in the headspace of designing our schema as ours is rather outdated at this time. But as we get updates I will be sure to inform the community.

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Well i'm late. 
I'm actually really happy this is still going on after all these years. 
I just wanted to read my old character bios from the L4D Rp, and it was there. 
Glad to see it's still. *looks at various post dates* *Clears throat* Still going.

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The long time-taking is half our fault and half not.

We are still in the process of bugging our schema.  But we can only work as fast as our coder is allowing us too.  He (as well as all of us) have life stuff that needs to be handled, especially a couple of months ago.  I don't think any of us have given up on anything, whenever Zerg & I get a new build we bug it and send over our findings.  We don't wanna start with a broke ass server.  It's just slow going. 

On top of that, scheduling is also just hard in general.  Silver lining though, its not like covid has gone anywhere :(

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